
Wait, these are stronger than the ones Lincoln imposed? Doubt it. #checkyourfactsbrah

Who's Craig???

This is why conspiracy theories exist. If people will do these kinds of things just for money, imagine what people will do for money and power.

I can sooooo relate to this!!! As a male feminist with a very strong mother and awesome, fearless sister, I am very well acquainted with the problems you females go through. My feminism was activated at Lillith Fair a while ago and ever since then, I will NOT stand idly by while my sisters are denigrated by the

Go on car forums for the particular model and see what the going discount rate is. It's not so much cash determining the haircut, as it is volume, sales performance and incentives.

Agreed. Hope the 2016 spokesman gets some design improvements. The untucked dress shirt regime must come to an end. I get that most middle-aged men are afraid of drawing attention to their mid-sections, but we are meant to have waists. So, either get some well-tailored clothing or lose some weight.

But fuck Ace-Queen off suit. Fuck those hole cards every fucking time.

Goodell will destroy all the balls like he did with the Spygate tapes. Actually, he won't even ask the team if they have the balls.

Ugh, Hoge and his high collars, huge knots and insistence on the three-button suit. You know he spends at least 30 seconds staring in the mirror each day telling himself "Nailed it!"

Isn't it true you think that because you advocate the complete abdication of reason and just expect everyone to go along with what you think? It is, isn't it?

80s design was in response to the oil prices, inflation and the sudden flocking to the Japanese hatchbacks. Detroit had to scramble to catch up. Imagine going from the giant Lincolns to a Festiva in just a few years. Years of R&D was thrown out the window in the chase for economic gas-sippers. So you rush and push

Get some PED testing on that one immediately!

Yes, but ... The comparison to the prior year's is rather stark. You could say she had an off (key) night, but overall, for a professional DIVA, more is expected.

Oh, you think losing is your ally. But you merely adopted tanking; we were born in it, moulded by it. We didn't see the light until Noel was already a man, by then it was nothing to us but BLINDING!

Tannehill will give you decent numbers pretty consistently. Sanchez is boom or butt-fumble. We Eagles fans have whiplash from jumping on and off his bandwagon already.

I only brought the sample once (the poor nurse who has to deal with that cup). The first time I ran into my pastor there. I decided God was telling me I was okay.

When mine was done, the doc cauterized an area that wasn't fully numbed. My doc was decidedly not a comedian, but when he felt me tense up he quipped: "Hot, huh?" Gaahhhh! The smell was not very high on my list of concerns.

Has it come to this?

"The Phillies Way" by Ruin Tomorrow or "How I Stopped Worrying About the Salary Cap, the Farm System, My Reputation, the Fans, Common Sense, Competitiveness and Learned to Love Seeing My Name in Print."

Incorrect. They really like this guy Sal A. Reecap. I keep hearing about him.