
I literally cannot focus on it. I try and then my eyes go crossed and I miss the bus to Flavor Town.

That Nigerian manager is one cool cucumber.

That and the goal posts. They are being hit with regularity. But yes, the goalie is playing very well.

I'm all for the long game, but now we're two full seasons in and the Reek plot line has taken us exactly nowhere. It seems strange to deviate so much from the books with this detour (meaning both the amount of story it has consumed and the timeline of when Theon disappeared and reappeared) only to have nothing come

As long as you are on the field, you can take the kick. This is more interesting if the game goes to PKs at end of match (in knock out rounds).

Seems like Portugal's plan is to throw long balls for Ronaldo to hopefully track down ... and then send 20 feet over the crossbar.

That's the plot point you're going to quibble over? Not the talking chimps?

That's 2% of your family, friends, co-workers and neighbors suddenly ... gone. You don't think you'd wonder? You don't think there'd be religious fanatics suddenly spouting off about the "end of days"? You don't think there'd be millions of grieving people wondering if they are next? It's not that the world can't

If it weren't for the giant lip quivers, you'd have no idea of their sadness.

And look at Kobe's Achilles tendon! Totally not frayed and stretched out. Sooooo fake.

Gahhhh! This brings up unpleasant memories of trying to "pass" the foam football and then getting into days-long arguments with my friends over the resulting completion/incompletion. We really needed instant replay back then.

Shouldn't his hat be pink?

Mom worked those metal handrails like she's had some prior experience with umm, cylindrical metal objects in front of a mostly male, drunk crowd.

*fewer supplies

That's a clown comment, bro.

Watch the inspirational one last. It makes up a great deal for the ass-hattery of the other ones.

Two words: wizard sleeve.

Don't question the silly subject-verb "agreement" that is coyly used by those "in the know" about You are obviously one of the numerous unwashed illiterates who should just go back to munching on Fritos and chugging energy drinks. I bet you also call the

"If that's what the book says, take the book and burn it," Nance said.

How's he going to drink from that?