
Silva was idiotic, but also, he was clearly bored. He deserved to lose because he didn't fight his best. While "entertaining", all his mugging does is devalue the ultimate result. Either he wins and shows how easy it is for him, or he loses, and we get, at best, a "he didn't respect me, so I showed him" victory by

It's not really fair to lump in light and/or flavored swill with the rest. While a Miller Lite can (and does) taste better than say, Busch, "taste" is never the point with a lite beer. It's about convincing girls that they can keep drinking because they won't get fat.

Kettlebells — you will develop tremendous grip strength over time as you are constantly managing the weight of the bell with your hands/arms/shoulders as it moves dynamically during the various exercises. These also lead to great back, hamstring and ab development if you do a full range of kettlebell exercises.

Also known as the "Krzyzewski Slider".

Better than f*cking jello "mold"!

I see he has removed his foot...

More like he's gripping a fag. I mean a cigarette!!

I hope they build a mini-tennis court like they use for the NFL pre-game shows. We can watch Brad Gilbert hit returns into the net just like the good ol' days. Then have Agassi pigeon-toe himself around the court clapping into his racquet, looking at an imaginary crowd going wild for that gritty baller who never

Based on his Twitter spelling, he'd spell his own name: Delawnfuckindonneedthatlithiumnomoretay

While this isn't news, Heineken gave so much frigging money at the Broccoli family they had little choice but to incorporate it. Recent interview in VF had Craig acknowledging the necessary evil of product placement, but also saying it wasn't like he was going to say "Ahhhhhh!" after taking his first sip.