You can tell he's trying to get away as she goes into one of her "comedy" routines.
Doctor Who did in Curse of the Black Spot.
I had so many problems with my body at that age, I flat out refused to go to gym. They allowed me to sit in the library for the first few months of school but after that, they forced me to go. I ended up just dropping out.
The great thing is that even when you edit a post... you can still read part of the URL.
Just go with him to his next prostate exam and you'll be the one bringing flowers and candy.
"You would think that people who were going to get all wacky about a made-up belief system would at least make sure that they were getting wacky over the correct stuff."
I've gone out with all races and have had just as many good times with black women as white or Hispanic. One of the problems I do have on OKC is that I tend to rank really poorly with black women, that could have to do with the fact that there are so few of them and I have a tendency not to message anyone below a…
You just jinxed it. Divorce imminent.
His condo full of stoney could not save him from his 1325 Hyundai Pony BC.
You say nightmare, I say he's sooooo dreamy.
Thanks for clearing that up. I really liked him in Doctor Who and hope he gets more screen time as Canton Everett Delaware III.
I'm looking forward to running my own site soon, and its sister site,
Maybe he's full... of other baby chicks.
The section on the Babel Fish alone is enough to destroy a small planet.
I'm a little concerned that all of these people appear to be in a high school when it's clear they shouldn't be. Aren't there laws against this? I'm almost positive the guy at 1:20 is on a list of some type.
I'm assuming eating this stuff will give you the Reds...