To be fair, Trump has more experience with rolls than he does with roles.
To be fair, Trump has more experience with rolls than he does with roles.
He mis-spelled role, which leads me to believe he at least was the one who banged it out on the twitter machine. Might have been dictated.
So Republicans aren’t going to nominate Trump, or they know that somehow they are going to put Ryan in his place before the next election? That’s my guess.
Meh. I left my ex because he was on the personals section of CL. Feels like karmic justice to me.
Erin Burnett just called him out for having liquor on his breath.
He hasn’t run out of coke yet.
But...but...he DID pay you!
Is this Fort Mac or California?
As a vintage merchant, can I just say that this is like winning the lotto. You find the OLDEST existing pair of jeans, and then Levi Strauss buys them. Ugh. I am jealous.
Yeah, I have to agree with you. I think a) the dumb blonde shtick is part of her persona, kind of like it was for Marilyn who figured out that playing stupid often got her further in her career, and b) I have TOTALLY blurted out a question, while my brain screamed “NO! That’s dumb!” so to quote Jess “It can happen for…
Provided Presifebt Cheeski doesn’t eliminate term limits, and like, elections and stuff.
If I can throw my name in the ring;
Nothing spectacular (that I’d talk about online). Just generally not giving a fuck about anyone else’s feelings mostly. And not in a casual way, but in a profound way.
I’ve read he has issues with germs. So maybe he spray tans and is also a compulsive hand washer, which would wash the tanning spray off leaving his perfectly tiny, unused hands just as porcelain as can be.
Same as mine!
It’s a product of the belief in American exceptionalism.
I am sorry, but I am going to have to correct you; it’s Supreme Leader Bannon.
Trump doesn’t have a clue. Bannon on the other hand...
You should start a petition to have people refuse to pay taxes until Trump is impeached. I would do it but I’m not American.
If this toupee with a podium starts fucking with the Canadian border (wall or otherwise), you KNOW the end is near. I wouldn’t put it past him to try to invade Canada.