
This article was clearly talking about the scientific prizes and not the peace prize, though.

I liked Obama then and I still like him now, but I’ve been 100% against that since it happened. I mean, even if he would go on to be the best president in history, you don’t award him the Nobel prize just for getting elected. That’s pointless.

Now playing

I’ve become so obsessed with 80’s/90’s music thanks to Youtube (especially Janet, Whitney, Jody Watley and God help me, Samantha Fox) and this is one of those songs/videos that just makes me insane.

Ok, I can understand why customers at a restaurant that primarily serves tacos would ask if said restaurant also serves burritos. There are a lot of restaurants that serve Mexican or Tex-Mex cuisine that offer tacos and burritos. Taco Bell, for example, serves tacos, burritos and quesadillas. Taco Mac (restaurant

Always low prices. Always Wal-Mart.

I really don’t understand why people ask questions like this in comments sections when Google is right at their fingertips. It completely baffles me actually.

I’ll be the one to ask it: do their penises grow to average lengths with this condition?

How dare you question whether green intolerance is real? I used to eat green all the time, and I was always getting sick! But once I went on a green-free diet, I never felt better!

Or don't eat gmos, because autism.

you mean like local church organisations can be powerful in communities in the american south? and how they like to use that power to cover up sexual violence against women and children all the time?

Thank you. I’m not even Indian, but I’m well familiar with the Jez commentariat’s general xenophobia when discussing atrocities in other parts of the world. And yet you never hear them going “UGH, AMERICAN CULTURE, SO BACKWARDS AND EVIL” about any of the horrendous sex crimes this site reports on from the U.S.

And in

But they aren’t sanctioned courts, even if locally they have the power to get away with it. Groups of white folks have been raping, torturing, and killing black folks in this country for centuries. It was still happening regularly and semi-officially in some American communities as recently as fifty years ago.

A pretty clever bit of cross-promotion.

He doesn’t crack.

Yeah how dare he enjoy pop culture and reference it and talk about it in Tweets?
His doing that very thing, showing his humanity, and not his “I think about blackholes and quantum physics all the time”, is what endears him to people, even those who are not considered nerds and geeks.

It’s all part of this effort to make words normative. To tell language how it’s supposed to behave, instead of just observing it and reporting on it. This slang already had a definition, but instead of learning what it was, uneasy white folk needed to make a new one. To control words, lest words control us.

haunted mansion

From the place with 999 ghosts, but always room for one more.

You know what the appropriate response is when a server asks to bus your table but you don’t want them to?

How dare the server ask to take that empty plate away! It was his. He had it monogrammed to make a complete set of tableware.