
No, it should be a Bond girl.

It’s not enough to have:
The Howard degree in Africana Studies...
Her copies of Essence Magazine...
Her FB updates about “12 Years A Slave”...
No. It’s, “Not only do I know your hair texture scales, I’m the kinkiest.”


Forget the ridiculous third reason for a moment. Why do there seem to be so many otherwise intelligent people who don’t seem to understand that the vast majority of the time it’s not appropriate to act on your sexual impulses? Literally everyday of the week I work with and walk by women that I am attracted to,

Jesus is a biscuit!

Badass rabbit will do badass things.

But did she have a good day, sir?

Honestly, I consider this behavior stealing. Consistently trying to force a restaurant to comp you meals is really shady.

I agree with Seinfeld and I don’t. None of of my favorite comedians or comedies could be considered totally P.C., and I think it’s very hard to be truly funny when you’re unwilling to take risks that might shock or offend someone. And I also agree that there’s a certain type of thinking that responds to politically

I don’t think the “dude with boobs” thing is really an issue with female characters in media in general. Male characters get to be more varied in personality, quirks, body types, etc and female ones kind of get stuck being the “straight man” (comedic term for boring person to counterbalance) or the “voice of reason”

I think the point is that diversity doesn’t come naturally, and therefore sometimes you absolutely have to force it. I don’t think acknowledging that people of multiple colors and sexualities exist amounts to ‘reducing human beings to a color or sexual preference.’

I like ‘em. I’ll eat yours.

For what it’s worth, I got out of ticket when the officer never submitted a supporting deposition. Most of the time, this is included in the ticket, but in this case, the officer either forgot or assumed it was included but it wasn’t. I requested one when I plead not guilty, never received one, presented that in

That's actually closer to the original Irish spelling than any version with a K.

Omg! This is me!!! Thanks so much for spelling my name correctly.

This penny is worth tens of thousands of dollars...but unless you were into that sort of thing, it’d be worth exactly 1 cent to you. This has been a journey through a mile in her shoes.

Pinkastan, duh.

My failures as a human being should have been well apparent by now, tyvm

I can die a happy man now I've been mentioned in an io9 article!