
I get the joke. The really funny part, though, is that France's record on the battlefield is pretty good. You hear the joke mostly in the US, which is ironic because the US would not exist without France. This is why I find this particular joke so amusing and fascinating, as it demonstrates American idiocy and

The Isle of Man TT circuit is rather stunning. NTM hazardous.

Looks legit.

Super Replicas opened a Dubai branch, apparently.

and the police wonder why society has no respect for them....

Paging Gloria Allred ...... As soon as you realize Coma McStuntazz is a waste of time please report to New Mexico.

I'm seeing this.

That is made more painful as today marks 10 years since my father, Peter Morgan, died and I feel him in spirit with me in this dispute.

Right, now that you've mastered the 38 point turn, let's look at the way to get out of this tricky parking spot

The John Player Special black/gold color combination has always looked great.

Some people claim that's age discrimination. I say it cuts both ways here. If I can get charged more for insurance than someone with a DUI because I'm under 25 with a perfect driving record, then yes, grandpa can be asked to be retested more often because he's part of the AARP.

I've seen things you people wouldn't believe: Ferraris spit fire off the shoulder of Eau Rouge. I've seen brake lights glitter in the dark at the Mirabeau of Monaco. All these memories will be lost in time like tears in the rain.

Chupacabra. Domesticated chupacabra.

Had to look up what a Toyota Sports 800 was.

It's like a baby 2000GT!

I know all about Major Hirst and getting production going again to solve the massive shortage of transportation in the British sector. It just still SEEMs kind of funny to think of British occupying soldiers driving around in cars that were once such a key cornerstone of the Nazi's KdF program.

Via Car memes

Rear window was broken? My kid's in the back seat?

You only say this because we don't have any PC games that use high end graphic card capabilities to anywhere near what they can really do. Photo-realistic graphics are within our reach right now on high end gaming PCs. The reason we're not seeing this yet is due to a bottleneck that we all seen coming but just haven't