
Those were different times. Tigers roamed free and ate live stock and villagers, and Rolls Royce built cars with English hands that actually ran. Different times.

Being a civilised European, I fail to understand pickups of this size.

I see a trend in Porsche's design philosophy...

The main reason to scrap? The tech and electronics submerged a year in saltwater.

Burn it! Burn it with its creators! Heresy!

Oh yeah...I know a guy up here in NorCal who has one. And doesn't everyone know a Fridolin uses the same '62-'71 tail lights that a bus does? ;)

The french version...not the remake

Matt Fields was sporting some in FD this year, too

This. I like this.

uh yeah. I just watched a 45 minute documentary on how they are made and I thought to are they making ANY money on these. Its insane. They actually don't make any money on them. Overpriced? I don't think so.

because you're actually being paid money to 'squash people on a train'.

would it sound pervy of me to ask, how the hell do i get a job as 'people sqausher' squashing people on to trains ?

Every car company has their wild years.

It has a hump on the rear-deck (What the hell is that called anyway?)