
been here, seen it, done it...

The corporate-state medical system in the USA was designed to extract as much wealth out of the population as possible. One has to go back to the beginning more than a century ago to understand the progression. Everything is working as designed.

Behind every attempt for government to "help the common person" there's a special interest group that has rigged the game in their favor.

I don't know the details of their financial situation, but you would be very surprised how fast medical expenses can drain your account. Even in the age of companies do not really like to pay for even necessary stuff.

All the driving dynamics of a car with much more utility, often with no penalty in appearance.

Not like I needed another reason not to ride a motorcycle.

Street racing was the 2nd worst decision the GT-R driver made in his life, behind spending $100,000 for a Nissan.

The driver should be strapped to the hood and the whole car then pushed off a cliff. Street racers are the reason speed limits are still too low and good enthusiasts are hassled to cancel parking lot meets.

What if they put a CWIZ near the waterline?

Dear Apple: BUILD THIS AND I WILL BUY FIVE OF THEM TOMORROW. Sincerely, every full-of-shit commenter who pined for the BR-Z/FR-S and never bought one.

Thanks Alex. I'll take Ways You'll Never Catch Me Dying for $200 please.

He'll be alright....

"she's reportedly leaving him because he won't commit to marriage. "

So she still looks great?

Why would you have to marry ?

VW really needs a modern version of this in their line up. Imagine it with VW's world class 2.0 TDI engine in it. Price wise it would be cheaper Chevy Colorado because the MQB platform is very competitive to produce on and is cheaper.

Affordable mid-engine sports cars. Last one was the MR2, though apparently the X 1/9 was more intimately loved by some.

Wagons/Estates. They are just about the most useful vehicles you can buy. We need more of them.

USA? Wagons go on the list, not to be mister obvious... I think the truly small truck is the biggest missing piece in our market. The Ranger was still selling well before they discontinued it. I'm guessing those pesky regulators and their new crash standards have killed the small truck forever.

I worked at a deli delivering food, doing cashier stuff and bussing food off. I once had a fucking receptionist at an insurance company hand me a folded $100 bill as a tip for a $400 catering order. Awesome!