Serious question:
Serious question:
They should cut his feet off, then have Drew Carey give him a treadmill.
An armed buddy.
Apparently they had to edit out the part where he tells Jay how he uses the original seat cushion as his pillow.
Does Ewan murmur “Rosebug” as the snow globe rolls out of his hand?
I suppose instantly would be preferable to lingering as far as dying is concerned. Don't you think? What comes to mind is one of those oil filled transformers exploding up on a power pole.
Apparently I've been speaking perfect Australian for years.
That'll buff right out!
Couldn't they've used some kind of synthetic oil? Isn't the point of synthetic oil to be able to flow at low temps? Or does that only apply for motor oil.
...Because you needed gloves to operate it?
That, while keeping your cigarette lit too.
Wow, Susan Sarandon has really let herself go. . .
Perhaps now it's prudent to do what the Russians do and start the cameras rolling when the engine is switched on.
"Don't fly for me Argentina. . ."
FYI, if you'd like to experience the thrill of blasting down a snow covered road at high speed, try snowmobiling. This road looks just like the snowmobile trials in Upper Peninsula Michigan, and you can go much faster than a car, even one with AWD and studded tires. Good times.