Right and you must be from the area with the non-assholes.
Right and you must be from the area with the non-assholes.
Finally some decent camera work. No panning away just as the accide.. incident happened. No extended shots of the ground during the carnage and escape.
I'm not sure which is a scarier thought, That you just happen to keep a running list of uses for Duct tape, or that you just came up with this on the fly. Either way it speaks volumes of your genius.
If you ever run for office of any kind, I will vote for you.
I would doubt its 100% electric, since it was at a gas pump.
I almost went straight to CP and was about to go on a rant of how so many people seem to think that their old everyday beater is worth a million dollars, and how the price of used cars seems to be getting absolutely ridiculous.
Finally, a Charger worthy of the the garage space next to my original. Thank you for listening Chrysler. Wait, no stick?! Son of a ...
I am impressed. Obvious styling cues lifted from Audi and Bentley, but I think its quite a nice looking car. Worth buying? Jury is still out for me.
@LTDScott: I just died a little.
@snap_understeer_ftw: The VXR8 looks extremely fun, and definately my type of car. I still think I'll stick to my 69 Charger. For some reason that massive, fuel guzzling big block under that beautiful long hood just gives me a feeling that can't be found anywhere else. I can't go around corners, or even light curves…
Easy. None!
Yes. Yes we are.
This letter is clear, concise and makes complete sense. It will obviously be shredded and I will be forced to by C- vehicles for the rest of my life. If I win the lottery, maybe I can afford something that ranks an F.
@subframespacer: I laughed so hard, now everyone in the office knows I'm not working right now. Thanks for blowing my cover.
For a half a million dollars each, you'd think we could at least see a couple of power slides.
@marputer: He writes weekly reviews in one of those British newspapers (I can't remember which one.) In one of his reviews, he named it the car of the year for 2010.
I think it always has been and will continue to be the 3 series.
@Mikeado owns a Nissan DBA-R35... in his imagination.: Agreed. This should have been posted under carporn.
@Wish my Sonata was a 'vert: I'm in Corpus Christi.
@Wish my Sonata was a 'vert: We must live in the same region! Although my wife has had a Jetta and a LR3.