
Two seasons and an abrupt cancellation, aka the Netflix Handshake 

As Shaw she was my favorite character on Person of Interest, one of my favorite shows. For obscure reasons one of my favorite scenes was Finch ordering a deli sandwich for her (pastrami on rye with two kinds of mustard) and being terrified they would get the order wrong 

“I’m not going to put the show down.”, she says while putting the show down.

Yes the tone of the early books always struck me as very much like the Wayside School books where the point is that it’s over-the-top whimsical fantasy that young kids would like. “Oh my teacher is literally evil and a vampire, but no adults seem to notice! Our school is a 30-story monstrosity that shouldn’t exist,

Definitely agree. If anything, Slytherin should be representative of some of the very best wizards in history as well as the very worst. The entire framing of it could have been “Drive and ambition and thirst for power and glory can lead to great success, but it can also be the most corrupting.” Instead you get a

I had never heard much negativity about Life is Strange at all....until literally this article lol.

It’s because of the way journalism is taught in college-level courses a lot of the time. Who are we studying in these classes? Norman Mailer, Joan Didion, Tom Wolfe, Hunter Thompson — the great longform essayists. But all of them are personality-driven, whether they intended to be or not, who approach social

As someone with no real opinion on Sanderson or Wired, I think there is the basic issue of an interview, like all news, is really filtered through the lens of the interviewer. Kehe seems to not like Sanderson much, but saying things like “I never got anything real from him” is pure pontificating that takes away from

I like Sanderson’s books, they’re definitely popular because they’re accessible and competently delivered as opposed to dazzling the reader with prose but there’s no shame in being the MCU of fantasy books.

other examples of games with good RTX include Control, Cyberpunk 2077 (shocking, I know)

Oh can you stop calling Ray Tracing as RTX, it’s a marketing term used by Nvidia. If rays are being traced on consoles it’s definitely not “RTX” since they use AMD GPUs. If you need to shorten Ray Tracing just use RT like Digital Foundry does. It makes more sense and uses one fewer keystroke. 

Now playing

I have to say I am enjoying the Prequel Redemption Tour with Best, Christiansen, et al on these shows.

Games like FFVII recontextualized the skirt as feminine clothing item not only for women to wear, but to be sexualized in.”

This strikes me as an odd blanket statement. Skirts have been sexualized for far longer than their appearance in videogames, and their usage in games is reflective of their usage in reality

Good for you?

Mass Effect: Andromeda had man-on-man, woman-on-woman, man-on-woman and alien-on-man/woman, and some of us are sad Starfield won’t let us slut around in space

Lightfall doesn’t fix the core problem of Destiny, which is that it isn’t rewarding to just play for an hour or two a day. You’re not getting anything out of it unless you’re devoting serious time and/or money, and it’s really bad at incentivising that without resorting to FOMO engagement tactics.

the ‘deserves a cure’ point also raise’s another interesting question, because there’s this assumption that cordyceps is what is standing in humanity’s way of a comeback. and i think that’s a survivor bias the characters of Last of Us have. Cordyceps took everything so curing it will bring everything back. but mostly

I have a LOT of issues with this take. Ellie is 14 years old—and is a child. Children CANNOT CONSENT, full stop, and I don’t recall Marlene being straight with Ellie about what they were planning to do anyway. From Joel’s point of view, the Fireflies are no better than the cannibals: they just want to carve up Ellie

I’m kind of in the middle with Joel: I think what he did was reasonable, even if I don’t think it was ‘good.’ Of the options available to Joel, I don’t think any of them qualify as good, but I think the one he took was the lesser of the bads. In fact, he was heading towards the only good option but it was denied from h

I havent played the game. I was kind of aware of how it ended before hand.