You cant honestly be comparing Rowling with Goebbels or Himmler. Trans people are not being rounded up, I refuse to believe that you're serious.
You cant honestly be comparing Rowling with Goebbels or Himmler. Trans people are not being rounded up, I refuse to believe that you're serious.
As a mod in some other forums, this is practical. It’s not to say that the mods don’t clearly support trans rights and have a position on the issue (they do!), but as a practical nature of online discourse and the free nature of modwork and all opening this can of worms is a wonderful way to attract the worst kinds of…
Some people have made it their entire identity to attack people who are planning to play this game as bigots or bigot enabling and I just can’t with these people. I’ve donated a not-insignificant amount of my time and money to progressive candidates but im going to enjoy creative mediums and I separate art from…
Kathleen, she gives off an attitude of almost naive innocence, which clashes so intensely with the ruthlessness of her actions.
Oh my god the internet was a mistake
Yep. Angry incel clicks “spend” just fine.
Half-assed, try-hard hostile, and unnecessarily contrarian shit like this is why I understand why Kotaku is almost universally disparaged, the Kotaku-In-Action chuds notwithstanding
Yeah, “everything is bad, everybody is bad” is a cynical theme that can only drive the plot of a show for so long before it becomes a total slog (I’m looking at you Walking Dead). You can still have good, positive relationships with other humans in a situation like this. You can still find happiness even though the…
Definitely enjoyed this sweet reimagining of Bill’s story, they managed to capture the essence of the character while still portraying him in some markedly different ways. I was disappointed that Ellie and Joel didn’t get to interact with him as a pair, I was sure the story was just building up to that point in the…
While I get Suletta is clearly being portrayed as a sociopath or something, calling it a warcrime is a bit of an overstatement no? An armed dude was about to murder her fiancé. The weapon she happened to have to prevent that was giant robot hand. Give her a couple of tears and a catchy theme song playing in the…
Debatable to call it a war crime, legally speaking. Imminent protection of life and limb of a noncombatant generally absolves any use of ‘overkill’ weapons in a “heat of the moment” situation.
Your little culture war has fried your brain
Can we get through more than one episode of a new show before we start this shit?
As a Dungeon Master since the 1E days, my take is that this is a step in the right direction, but I still feel like they aren’t hearing what being said. Nobody wants a new OGL. The same old OGL we’ve been using this whole time is just fine. Wizards still own the D&D trade dress plus all the lore and stories that come…
She coulda had the Disney corporation delivering dump trucks of cash to her house on a routine basis, but she wanted to be mad online, instead. I would delete my Twitter account for Disney money. I would delete my Twitter account for Lifetime television money. I would delete my Twitter account for $20 actually.
Rhea Ripley is the kind of person that can turn Dom Mysterio into Sub Mysterio
Really when your story is about the Greece of antiquity and/or the myths therefrom if everybody doesn’t land in the mid-range of the Kinsey scale, something has gone wrong.