I’ll just leave this here.
I’ll just leave this here.
I understand this bear.
“... and the creeping thing.”
My team has five boobs.
I lost both of my grandmothers after they had gone through severe dementia, and it is terrible. I am voting for the right to die laws in Colorado this fall, as I never want someone to have to go through what I saw them go through. RIP Pat Summit. One battle, after another.
As a newspaper editor for 15 years, there is no way would a judge would agree with the attorneys if they are text messaging it to each other. They could bluster and write angry letters. But a judge would usually laugh at a couple of judges making fun of their clients, and say tough shit.
7. Tar
Finishing your post ...
This is why adults shouldn’t have nice things. On my Little League team, the kids run up to the other players to make sure they are okay after they plunk ‘em. I do not teach them this. This is their first instinct.
I would, but I lazy Kinja.
Oil Can Boyd
Who here would also secretly be proud of Fox for adding Curt Schilling to the NASCAR team?
“I almost read the whole thing, but stopped just short.”
Grow gardens not grass*.
High school sports story: the other coach kept yelling from the dugout that I was a “nothing pitcher,” so my old, wobbly coach limped out to the mound and told me this: the other coach is an asshole, and to not be confused, because assholes always think being an asshole is important. Then he limped back and took his…
I had a friend one summer who kept using the word “diesel” to mean “good” or “interesting.” I was living at his dank place in Providence though, so I couldn’t say anything.