
It is part of the curriculum.  It’s called math.  Addition and subtraction.  Making a budget should not require a teacher to learn to do, it only requires that the individual be able to add and subtract.  Every student is taught to add and subtract, even those in Special Ed.

Lost my pops last December before last and he had bought a Harley some 10 years ago. He wanted me to have it even though I’m not:

I’m “that guy.” If the CEO wasn’t an unhinged genius who I have no intention of supporting financially or otherwise, I’d probably have a Tesla parked in my garage now, and if not I’d have ordered a Y at this fire sale price. It’s not like the class-leading infrastructure is going away, and I’d have this fancy high

I recently bought a new Lincoln Aviator and my wife and I absolutely love the vehicle. Yes, there have been reports of various issues with earlier models, but over the nearly 3K miles since new we’ve had it (admittedly small sample) it has been wonderful.

I share basically every sentiment having spent a lot of time futzing around with these things at the Chicago Auto Show, but my brother in law were mostly in agreement: do you trust anything you like about a Chrysler product to still be functional in 5 years?

2nd Gear: Plug-Ins

Who are plug in hybrids for? Honestly, they’re for people like me. Every other week I have to drive between 400 and 500 miles to Ohio in pretty much whatever weather god decided to throw at the midwest. The rest of the time, I don’t have to drive that much- I work remote and when I’m at home, aside

Plug-ins are for:

I can’t imagine the pain and devastation of losing your husband while isolated on a ship”

I will never stop calling Erik a terrible automotive journalist, and reminding people that he drove around for months with his high beams on because he didn’t want to/couldn’t replace the headlight bulb in his Fit. How did Jalopnik lose great writers like Fancy Kristen, Torch, and David Tracy but he’s still around?

The Miami New Times reports that the morgue corpse fridge broke down. That took me less than 3 minutes to google.

I think Doug DeMuro was singlehandedly responsible for CarMax changing their warranty policies. This couldn’t happen today.

Squinty little slits of headlights, like on many of the new BMWs

Black on black on black over black cars aka “Murdered-out”. You don’t look look cool, or tough, or wealthy, when you drive one. You just look like another rather basic person who lacks creativity and is following the crowd. (And if you do it to look like a cop you are just a tool).

Reflective surfaces inside a car.

Giant high-rise pickups with retina-burning headlights.

I still don’t understand the purpose behind plastic cladding around the wheel arches. I think most cars would look fine with the metal arches with a little cladding like the brake vents:

The increasingly ‘pill-box on Normandy’ design language associated with modern cars.

Better looking, YES... Gorgeous, though? That’s exceptionally hyperbolic, and cheapens the word. And you folks use it a lot to describe Hyundai’s for some reason.

Yeah this is about subscriptions. What he isn’t saying in public yet is that the plan is for everything to be locked content, and he thinks people will just pony up the $30/month plus $10 here and there, and GM will be rolling in that sweet horizontal money. It will be a worse system and cost more, but they'll try

All hail the profit margin. If you can raise prices and people keep paying it, you win at capitalism.