
It looks at least as entertaining as Formula E, and twice as entertaining as the autonomous car ‘racing’ you guys were talking about last week.

I will be here through the 15th of this month. For more info see here:

“Best F1 race in years....”

low hanging fruit.

Everything else is just a toy.

NASA was not aware of any damage to the wing. Computer modeling had shown that no chunk of foam coming off the bipod strut would be able to damage the wing leading edge. Unfortunately the modeling was wrong. And unfortunately this mission was one of the rare ones that didn’t go to the ISS, so there was no one to see


Racing is a “huge dick move?”

He didn’t do it the right way.. HAM has never pushed ROS into a DNF, never cause permanent damage. The golden rule in team racing is to not crash out your teammate.

He lost his advantage when he botched the start and Lewis was able to make up an entire car length on the front straight, to be in a position to take the inside line

I love the fantasy world that the ‘stealth is obsolete’ crowd lives in, where China and Russia have developed all kinds of fantastical radars and drones and other cutting-edge technology to defeat stealth aircraft. All of which are seemingly completely unknown to the people who actually build our aircraft and radar

I’m not suggesting the F-14/5/6/8 aren’t huge improvements, but to your point, how many dogfights have they been in for the US? In 40 years.

I totally support your statement. I love the space shuttle. I remember my dad waking me up as a kid to watch an early launch on tv and being in awe of it from the start. My dream was to see a shuttle launch live. I finally got to see Atlantis launch in 2006. I wasn’t on NASA property, but it was still thrilling. Sadly

Now playing

Buzz Aldrin is just #4? How many other astronauts have punched moon-landing deniers in the face?

You realize that’s a pic of a model kit diorama?

It’s great that Gordon made it into the stupid Chase, but some wins would have been nice. I don’t expect him to make it out of the Challenger round.

So one of the biggest influences of my life was Topgun instructor and photographer C.J. Heatley. After buying his book of incredible Naval Aviation photography when I was a kid -way back in 1986- I vowed to be either a photographer or a Navy pilot or both if I could! My lack of 20/20 vision dashed the pilot dream but