
I would like their opponents to run ads that “so and so voted to arm terrorists”.

Not surprised. Sad, but not surprised. What we need is to vote all the NRA-owned motherfuckers out of office and get dem control back of senate and house. Then, and only then, will anything get passed—starting with, hopefully, an assault rifle ban!

Nights like this I’m extra grateful for the internet. Regardless of how you feel about guns, it’s pretty amazing to live in a time with unprecedented ability to make our voices heard, and to hold our leaders accountable for their actions.

This Father’s Day, Remind Your Partner Where the Baby Came From.

Interesting analysis. Thanks. You always have such thoughtful posts!

yes this. also, the media is biased towards profits. that’s it. when you have what should be a public service being supported by big businesses, guess who’s interests matter most?

This is everything I’ve been wanting to say, but couldn’t put into words. Thank you.

This needs more stars.

Everything you said is the bare bones truth. I wholeheartedly agree with you on the stare decisis impediment and the need for carefully-crafted legislation to thread that needle.

I don’t know anything about the diversity initiatives of talent agencies. I do know that with rare exceptions, the talent agencies are major players but not the ultimately responsible party in terms of getting projects made and deals done. You could read The Mailroom for a good glimpse at the inner workings of

While lots and lots of people of all races/ethnicities/genders work in Hollywood, and any one of them or group of them can theoretically choose to work on whatever project they want, very few of them are really “gatekeepers” or power players. There is a relatively small number of people (okay, fine, men) in Hollywood

Yes thanks for this! All my Bernie-supporting friends are small-town activists doing their own thang as the election cycle moves past them and their causes. It’s frustrating to be told constantly that you’re a lightweight who sits out midterms.

I think you meant to write “Woke Baeby”

At least we can finally admit that those who supported Sanders did so because they supported his platform, and not because they were “Bernie Bros” with some irrational hatred of women.

California still matters in that people care who wins. As a California I already voted by mail for Hillary!

Ikr? Trumpster Fire is even better than the other nickname he has: Temper TanTrump

Name me one ‘high-profile individual’ who has ever been accused of inappropriate behavior with kids. Name one internationally beloved, eccentric pop singer; or a single critically acclaimed, Oscar winning director; or even someone whose famous on a national level, like a wacky British television presenter. I just dare

Read some undercover account of where these poor kids come from. Turns out, many of them were born into it. Pedophiles apparently meet and knock each other up with the intention of birthing children they can then rape or pimp out.