
I get the feeling that Obama could run into a burning building and singlehandedly rescue an entire Lamaze class full of women and fetuses, plus a basket full of adorable puppies, and certain people would still find something to criticize about it.

What if they were all Peter Thiel. Can you imagine? What a wonderful world that would be.

Wow— how rude of the young accountant. Who says that to another person?

it’s a perfectly cromulent word.

Despite personally not finding this story compelling, I think HRC needs to get out in front on this story. Make a clear statement. Talk about cyber security more generally, ect.

or the fact that she’s actually served in public office, thus has a history to even discuss....

It’s the sheer smugness of the whole freaking thing that got to me. And I work out a lot and eat healthy too, and I don’t walk around acting like that.

So if she’s disliked simply because she’s a woman, then how can you have any honest discussion about the numerous reasons she shouldn’t be President? At the end of the day, you can dismiss all arguments as “Well of course they’d say that, she’s a woman”. It can’t possibly be because of her handling of this email

George W Bush has no perspective.

George W. Bush Keeps Up a Nice Friendship With Accused Anti-Gay Hate Group

They get accumulated in the binders until you can make a sufficiently large number of whole women out of them!


It infuriates me that this is the case, just like there are people who will claim all of Bill Cosby’s victims are money-hungry white women who were paid off. Especially with the internet, even though it’s gotten easier to verify and fact-check, we have paradoxically became even lazier and more prone to running with

I also like the “it’s gotten very quiet in here” line. Calling out the cowardice of Hollywood.

You also can’t claim “Very few people who are old enough to remember the case in the early 90s believe Dylan” because there’s no accurate way to measure that. What can be said, however, is that, most often, when people have expressed doubt about Dylan’s story, it has been based on misinformation like you have here

I think he sexually assaulted a child and I don’t think that’s right …

Yeah. I’m not necessarily opposed to gender-specific clubs, were we able to start from a point where the male-only clubs weren’t historically powerful gatekeepers who are both monied and well-networked. But here we are...

Aw, jinni.

No, because the writer literally mentions Greek theater, which is about 2000 years older than Shakespeare....

I was talking to a dude friend about this...he is SUPER sensitive about his breakups and talks about having his heart broken very openly with me. But then he mentioned “like I’m devastated and I know I can be open with my emotions with people like you, but around the dudes? no way, I have to just be like ‘whatever