
Legal question: if events occurred after the agreement was signed, wouldn’t that be something not covered, hence they can talk about it?

Anyone that voted for this man and his collection of scumbags should get the shit beat out of them. For real. Also isn’t the head of The FCC under investigation? Is anyone associated with this man not a crook?

Yeah, I know, a single-digit loss in a district R’s won by 20 points last year, blah blah blah. Anybody else depressed as fuck right now? We are stuck with Trump and his evil brethren for the foreseeable future, and if there’s anything worse than Trump, it’s Trump thinking he won something. That’s Trump at maximum

Whataboutism is strong in American discourse. You’re not allowed to focus on the issues that women face without highlighting how much worse it is for women of color lest you be accused of being a White Feminist.

You, however, can fuck off.

Just think, a ton of people who lived through WWII voted for this.

Shock is a luxury. No time for luxury anymore. Time to organize, protest, volunteer.

This is modern day Nazi Germany in it’s infancy. We need to stamp it out before it gets too powerful.

I keep thinking I’m going to wake up.

I can’t believe this is happening. I can’t believe this is happening. I can’t believe this is happening. That loop has been playing in my head all day.

It’s more about visibility and keeping it in the news and also unsettling him (The Orange Terror), in my opinion. He can’t take any criticism, so seeing many peaceful protests calling him names will distract him from trying to do anything. He’s an idiot anyways, but the more we can do to throw him off balance, the

People need to be organized against the fuckery this presidency will bring, but I wonder how effective these protests will be in the liberal zones where trump lost

I think something like a ‘small actions’ calendar could be helpful for some folks. Like, okay, not everyone can drop their business and protest at random times, but if you make a commitment to do one thing every 2 weeks or every month, like, “Every other sunday I will write a congressman, or donate, or go to a talk,

Yes, yes, yes! We need to pay attention after January, and keep the pressure on our elected officials in ways that they can’t ignore.

I met two women who voted trump.

Yep, I can’t feel sorry for these types of White women who would vote for a known sexual predator/harraser.

Oh come on. Philly hasn’t napalmed a house filled with civilians in like decades.

This is wonderful. And now we need to keep it up for 4 years. I’m in SF, and the main protest tonight is in Oakland, but work went too late; hoping to attend more in the future.