
This letter reinforces the reality of this trial, that both Epic and Apple resoundingly lost

Epic lost way more than Apple did on this case. Epic has an uphill battle on appeal. To say that both sides “lost” is technically true, but not reporting the specifics and magnitude of the losses is a disservice to the readers as thewhole picture” isn’t clear.

Of the original 10 counts Epic raised against Apple, the

It’s of the breakfast variety of burrito, so it’s all just stuff that’s safe raw (cheese) or you cook on the same flat top you cook everything else (hash browns, eggs, cured meats). You just roll it up in a tortilla and dress it with some sauces that are shipped in.

Call me crazy but it would be kind of fun to have a Bond adjacent film where we see everything from the view point of Ms. Moneypenny. Somebody has to move all the bodies of those dead evil henchmen Bond kills. Or even make his travel arrangements (“will there be a car that also drives underwater available for the

Depends on the tomato. Always.

Bob Woodward records history.

Curious if this argument Woodward is sitting on vital info is true in this case. It’s not like he learned all this Pence info in real time. He hearing it before us, but not in the days that mattered. In interviews weeks and months after the inauguration and impeachment. Not sure dribbling facts out in July does

Very true!

People on here tell me I shouldn’t enjoy their suffering, but when the threat of medicine shortages and food shortages weren’t enough to make them vote correctly, twice, they deserve every single indignity the system can throw at them.

Or we’re just happy to have another person to connect with, even if they’ll never know we’re alive, because we’re still not very far removed from having to live our lives shrouded in secrecy and shame (and many folks still do, some of whom doing so simply to survive)... but sure, “it stinks” to hear someone joke about

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The queer goth community rejoices. Let us celebrate -

The secret is that it was only 3 minutes long and had to make specific points, so they couldn’t just give up and cut away to an unrelated parody of an 80's movie.

Funny thing is, in the novel Who Framed Roger Rabbit was based on, Jessica actually did do porn.


I’m on the fence until I hear from the characters on the Big Bang Theory.

Play stupid xenophobic disastrous trade games, win stupid xenophobic disastrous trade prizes.

It seems like really shortsighted xenophobic stupid people wanted it in order to hurt people. 

England, it is not too late to go groveling back to the EU. You don’t have to keep punching yourselves in the dick, it can stop as soon as you are ready to. But, on the otherhand, please don’t; because England punching itself in the dick is almost as funny as Texas making itself look more backwards than 1850s Mexico.

Or a decent sized turkey.

This is the kind of stuff that pisses me off. 100 bags? From a company as big as Purdue? Even a 1000 bags is nothing to them. This is a shameless ploy to get attention without actually delivering anything, like the KFC fire log or the Thanksgiving Pringles, and it’s really irritating. I’m sure that many of these will