Don’t forget about Julia Louis-Dreyfus.
Don’t forget about Julia Louis-Dreyfus.
For those that don’t know, Mr. Goxx is a reference to a notorious bitcoin exchange called Mt. Gox. Approximately 850,000 bitcoins belonging to the customers and company went missing and were presumed stolen.
Unfortunately, there are a lot of myths about the supposed health benefits of coconut oil. Many vegans have bought into the marketing and buy coconut oil in bulk as a pantry staple. The Mayo Clinic is very clear: coconut oil is not a heart-healthy cooking alternative.
The name makes me think of the dreaded bachelor spaghetti. I’m talking about noodles, ketchup, and sliced up hot dogs.
And sure, post-apocalyptic settings have been done to death, but applying Kirby’s contagious effervescence to one is just the sort of shot in the arm the genre needs. Massive cataclysmic event? Death on a civilization-wide scale? In Kirby’s irrepressibly cheery realm of clouds and rainbows? I am burning with a…
I would say that it is the PS5 equivalent of Knack. It is a launch game (the pandemic extended this window) where the majority of resources were spent on presentation.
I think it is more about being anti-corporate and writing about topics that are out of their wheelhouse. This is happening a lot with the new writers to the site. They are passionate about their opinions but lack the experience to avoid making assumptions about things they don’t fully understand.
Saber as a Tawainese glove puppet for a crossover special with Thunderbolt Fantasy:
The scenario where developers can abuse this change is highly unlikely.
I’m not surprised this happened in Singapore. There are so many restaurants and hawker stalls that competition is intense. Reputation means everything in such a competitive environment.
I don’t like raw tomatoes in general, but I do make some exceptions. They work in a gyro sandwich because it adds contrast to the texture and flavor of the other ingredients without dominating.
There is such a big misconception that only young people come out of the closet these days.
You can be a liberal and still be woefully out of touch with the current state of politics. The trailer is basic “no duh” politics that people have been talking about over the last few years.
Fortnite exists in 2021 simply as a means of pulling the entirety of popular culture into its gaping maw.
I don’t understand this idea of getting into a combat flow with BotW. It isn’t a character action game about chaining attacks and juggling enemies in the air for 100+ hits. While people have found ways to do flashy stuff, it wasn’t actually part of the core design.