I’m not surprised. KitchenAid mixers rely a lot more on brand loyalty than quality these days.
I’m not surprised. KitchenAid mixers rely a lot more on brand loyalty than quality these days.
Believe or not, some people make hot chocolate with water instead of milk.
It is probably the texture that turns you off. Meatloaf can have a loose texture that comes across as soggy rather than tender and juicy. There is also less crust per slice compared to a burger patty or meatballs. Textural contrast can do a lot to make eating a dish enjoyable.
The taste of the peel doesn’t even factor into which cultivars we grow.
As a lover of all things character creator,
I’m guessing meme-fueled racism.
Giant Bomb was born out of the controversy between Gamespot and Jeff Gerstmann.
According to David Lebovitz, the French have developed a cultural aversion to cleaning up crumbs:
Its other main component is daikon radish, which practically melts when stewed, in a good way.
I did not like how the previous costume created a weird reverse chibi-style silhouette.
It certainly seems like a rental if you look at the doors in the background. Those door lever handles were installed with pure utility in mind.
I’m surprised by how they managed to repair the damage caused by the confusing announcement trailer. Why would you want viewers to associate the game with characters that are not in the actual game?
Absurdist comedy loses its luster when you’ve seen similar concepts and jokes used elsewhere.
The energy used to produce video games and movies results in entertainment that people all over the world experience. It is also baked into the calculations that compare how much energy is used by Bitcoin annually versus how much energy is used by countries annually.
Blockchains are still bad for the environment due to the huge amounts of energy required for transactions. These environmental costs only increase over time as more data is added to the blockchain.
They are called that because it features people from Nintendo Treehouse, a division of Nintendo of America. Most of their work revolves around localization in English, Spanish, and French for North American markets. They also handle QA testing and product development.
I don’t understand why he didn’t want to play Han Solo anymore but still wants to play Indiana Jones.
Caramelizing condensed milk is how you make dulce de leche. Recipes for dulce de leche ice cream call for a regular ice cream base that is flavored with dulce de leche.