Can someone explain to me the aesthetic charm of retro inspired, low poly, 3D games?
Can someone explain to me the aesthetic charm of retro inspired, low poly, 3D games?
It isn’t the same. Microsoft didn’t try to undercut an industry standard by taking a smaller cut from publishers/developers. The original Xbox lost money due to weak sales numbers. You can improve this metric over time and eventually turn a profit.
Be careful with what you wish for. Live action stuff is not off the table.
This recipe is a definite keeper. It hits all of the things I am looking for in something I could see myself making on a regular basis.
It feels like Justin Timberlake jumps between music and acting when he isn’t doing too well in one of them.
A lot of pet food is made to appeal to human senses because humans are the ones making the purchasing decisions.
Who is this for? The movies appealed to friend groups that wanted a sensibly raunchy girls night out.
Aren’t pastrami sandwiches typically served with a dill pickle on the side? I can’t stand the smell of pickles.
NFTs were clearly created as a scheme to get more people hooked into the cryptocurrency ecosystem. You cannot directly buy NFTs with fiat currency. Headlines that state an NFT “sold for millions of dollars” obfuscates this detail. The NFT was exchanged for an amount of cryptocurrency that is currently valued at…
Do they get hot and bothered when you talk about getting gauge with a pattern?
...limits a whole artistic medium to toys.
Any thoughts on Golf Story?
Now in season two, HSM: TM: TS heightens the challenge for the East High Wildcats as they prepare to perform Beauty And The Beast as their spring musical.
...the rest of the show was basically a copy of NCIS: LA.
I’m curious. Did this reboot ever dig deep into the premise of a hero that hates guns?
Food Network owns Cooking Channel. I’m guessing that accounts for the divergent programming priorities.
Tasha Yar isn’t complaining.
The name reminds me of 2gether, MTV’’s boy band parody. It started as a silly TV movie that spawned a brief spinoff TV series and music videos.
You need to read more then. NFTs do not ensure that artists will be rewarded for their work. Artists are actually discovering their work being stolen and sold as NFTs.
Can we agree to troll Her Royal Goopiness Gwyneth Paltrow by calling her Gweneth?