
As a co-production with a Chinese company, it has far more promise than the live action Mulan.

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I’m surprised that so many people had to look it up.

It frustrates me that they continue this political shell game. I still remember their Black Jeopardy sketch that had Tom Hank play a sympathetic MAGA terrorist. Instead of learning from this mistake, they continue to double down on the “both sides” rhetoric.

Matt Bomer has serial killer eyes. They always look so dead to me when he smiles.

It’s ironic that a self-described germaphobe was in denial about one of the deadliest germs on the planet today.

“We have already implemented changes within the Partner Programme to ensure that our creator community remains a positive and welcoming space, and we will work closely with our partners to ensure it remains so.”

I don’t hold that against her. The real issue is her staunch belief that being civil with the uncivilized means anything. Respectability politics are luxury that only the privileged can afford to maintain.

The timing is also extremely bad. The final weeks of a campaign are vital to making a last push to tip the scales. On top of rallies, he needs fundraising events to keep the machine firing on all cylinders. Due to mismanagement by his elite team of incompetents, the campaign has squandered its early cash advantage and

Faking it only brings more scrutiny to the COVID response efforts. Unlike other issues worthy of debate, the pandemic affects everyone on a daily basis. It is the one thing they cannot blame Democrats for.

It makes him look weak and gives sane people enough tools to make his death cult shut up.

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My only disappointment is that Sakurai’s attention tdo detail meant recreating the classic muddy colors and textures of Minecraft. Nostalgia is fine but the even Microsoft knows that the game is long overdue for a graphical upgrade.

Raisins are the corpses of grapes that have undergone reverse water torture. You can actually taste the pain and suffering in the mummified remains.

I wish there was more information about whether or not WB is having some strongly worded discussions with Joanne. She doesn’t seem to be taking any responsibility for all of the trouble she has caused to her business partners.

At this point, many people will be thrilled if it goes belly up. The reseller/scalping culture that arose from eBay has many people upset.

Does he even realize that can backfire? When you try to convince people not to vote, you are also targeting your own supporters.

It’s probably driven by an effort to recoup development costs on the photo-realistic technology. People tend to forget that Disney has a long history with milking a cash cow dry with lackluster sequels.

It’s Lawrence Brown. As a British expatriate, his videos focus on cultural differences between Brits and Americans.

Even if you don’t die, there is also a chance you won’t walk away from it unscathed. Complications from the disease can lead to lifelong ailments that you never had before. Some survivors had severe complications that resulted in amputation. They are thankful to be alive, but their lives have been forever changed.