
Expanding the world of a single movie with an entire prequel TV series didn’t make sense to me.

He is just another Ken Bone that managed to fail upwards.

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Chill in the air? Sweater weather? It is 90° F where I am. I’m trying to keep hydrated so that I don’t turn into mummy jerky.

There are actually 2 methods for making fake ice cream. You can either use shortening or frosting as the base. A shortening base lasts longer, but it is harder to mix for the right consistency. A frosting base is easier to make, but it dries out really fast.

I wonder if the licensing agreement gives WB Games any legal recourse against Joanne.

By definition, fondant is threatening to ruin the taste of a cake.

Who is greenlighting this garbage? People are not starving for more reminders of our national nightmare. This is torture rather than catharsis.

I think the issue is that they can be used to accessorize preexisting emotes. Some emotes are already quite controversial. Others are harmless on their own but could be weaponized with racially charged messages with the accessories.

Why do people like stale Peeps?

You couldn’t get a toothpick to complete your Jackie Daytona costume?

It is still a better name than YouTube Red.

“Family is the best medicine.

This work is incredibly useful for any industry where substances are mixed together. When you are dealing with industrial sized batches, knowing how long it will take to make a truly homogeneous mixture is important. It takes out the guesswork and increases efficiency.

Why does this sound like a new verse to We Didn’t Start the Fire?

The animation for that kick bothers me. I won’t bore you with the mechanical details and just say I’m too used to Street Fighter having spinning aerial kicks going in a backhand direction.

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I’m surprised that they haven’t gone full Team Knight Rider, with cars that have AI.

But is he back in POG form?

People also think they only want to gorge on barbecue while visiting Texas. After doing this for a few meals, you start to crave vegetables.

Another side effect from the smoke is that you can see the sun glow red during sunrise or sunset. People mistake it for the moon, which has also become red from the smoke.