A return of the “angry hamster” Ferengi?
Their videos can get flagged if they keep quiet and just let the song play without interruption.
I wonder if they will bring back Minerva Mink and Wilford Wolf. It inspired a lot of furry porn.
It is a mistake to believe your own personal beliefs about Tencet are worth any consequences that will arise from this ill conceived executive order. It is like using a chainsaw to perform brain surgery.
Nothing good ever comes from these destructive executive orders. Remember the trade war with China? It has decimated farms in the US and many of them will never bounce back as China looks to other countries for agricultural products.
Condé Nast issued a statement today, asserting that the Bon Appétit video team, “worked individually with each Test Kitchen contributor to address all concerns and communicate equitable compensation structures.”
Is this better or worse than having dessert for breakfast?
Some people don’t like food subscription boxes.
It was disturbing that “no microstransactions” was advertised as a feature.
All of Leno’s jokes have not aged well. They did more than just punch down, they kicked the target while they were down on the ground. Guests on the Tonight Show would only get insincere excuses from Leno for being so mean to them. Mad TV did a sketch about this hypocrisy.
A social media blackout for one day helps to manage these tendencies.
Don’t forget about the struggle of trying to sleep at night during a heatwave.
They are great for any cooking that calls for hot water. You need hot water for things like blanching vegetables, baking cheesecake in a water bath, steaming buns, and boiling pasta (fresh or dried).
People tend to respond better to ads featuring people looking happy. You wouldn’t want to buy a salad kit if the person looks sad eating it.
It’s not as bad as the e-boy invasion.
I could never get into this show due to the formulaic structure. I can see how repetition and familiarity is appealing to children. The moment-to-moment writing has a lot of charm, but the actual plot felt very rigid.
Doing the right thing is not up for negotiation with bad faith actors. If they can’t find something to latch onto, they are going to make something up to support their false equivalency.
It sounds like the licensing fees for the movies were heavily reduced after HBO Max dropped them. That would explain why Peacock can afford to stream under an ad-based business model.
People seem to forget that we modify our behavior depending on the relationship. You typically don’t act the same way around your parents compared to your friends.