
The promotional posters are ready.

For a long time, I never understood why people loved 24 so much. The concept of multiple things happening at once didn’t appeal to me. I don’t mind the framing device when used with restraint in movies. Expanding this into an entire TV season sounded exhausting.

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Quibi missed out on Steven Seagal’s Letterbox 2000.

It’s disappointing to see a character’s personality beginning and ending with being fat. That is like saying a tall woman’s life is all about being tall.


Baseball has a very high ratio of downtime versus action compared to other team sports. The ambient noise actually helps distract viewers from the boring parts when nothing is happening.

It also has elements of Blaster Master and Bionic Commando.

It is only a matter of time before your kid dives into the world K-pop.

This delay for the live-action Mulan was inevitable. Disney intentionally hamstrung this movie in the west by erasing Li Shang in a cynical “no homo” play for the Chinese market.

Seeing Dungeons and Dragons at the theater on release day was quite an experience. One friend was so excited to see it. He convinced me and everyone else in our circle of friends to come along. After the closing credits, he stood up from his seat and said in a loud voice “I’m so sorry” to us and every other person in

A lot of people in the military play these games in their free time. The people on the stream are active duty personnel working to recruit kids fresh out of high school.

 There’s another device, a Toad Radar, that further assists you in pinpointing exactly where to direct your hammer to save a trapped Toad.

I highly recommend using a vented microwave cover.

The traditional methods for melting chocolate were always based in the assumption that you were trying to temper the chocolate.

It is in extremely poor taste. The underlying assumption is that we are in a comfortable place to look back on the events that are currently causing us great anxiety. We still have a long way to go before our national nightmare is a distant memory.

That episode was probably after the two Asian actors quit due to pay inequality. It was supposed to be an ensemble cast. Without them, the white dudebros took over.

Another scandal, another insincere apology script. It’s fascinating to see the emotional appeal of “I’m listening” delivered like a rebellious child pretending to care while being scolded.

People that drink their breakfast are not eating cereal. They drink things like protein smoothies in the morning.

Accused harasser encourages harassment of reporter.

I learned about Cynthia Rothrock through Allison Pregler, arguably the biggest Cynthia Rothrock fan on the internet. She has reviewed every movie with Cynthia Rothrock she has been able to find.