Most people use a thumbs up sign nowadays to communicate the same sentiment.
Most people use a thumbs up sign nowadays to communicate the same sentiment.
The study doesn’t seem to address the psychological profile of horror fans. It would be useful to know what draws them to frightening situations. Are they natural optimists? Risk takers? This would be key to unraveling who they are and how they respond to stressors.
The media is far down on the list of enablers. He has a wife that supposedly loves him but does absolutely nothing to protect him. She has the means and legal authority to get him into treatment. She has multiple children with this man but doesn’t care if their kids have a healthy father figure in their lives.
YouTube live streaming isn’t going anywhere. It is a supplement to the platform rather than being the primary service. It is a convenient option for YouTubers that want to live stream, but don’t do it often enough to justify the hassle of establishing a presence on Twitch.
No rest for the wicked. If you leave cockroaches alone, they will come back in greater numbers.
Didn’t everyone subconsciously know that Avenue Q would never age well?
Official sponsored Pokémon broadcasts will weave strategy discussions and basic battle tutorials in between every match while also offering tips on how you the player can be the very best, like no one ever was.
I don’t think Phoebe had other close friends. She is too much of a free spirit to bond with many people. People that value freedom in relationships like to drop in and out whenever they feel like it. When the pregnancy placed strict limitations on her life, Phoebe was forced to confront how much she actually cared…
Actually, a lot of people like Chandler. I fell into a YouTube rabbit hole a few weeks ago watching Friends clips and the comments about Chandler were consistently positive. Still, they also admit that his treatment of Janice (the best recurring character) was often harsh.
You just can’t out-Eurovision the Eurovision Song Contest.
Finding motivation to do anything through all this stress is quite exhausting.
I never understood why people slowed down collecting LEGO until it happened to me. Despite being very picky in the sets I buy, I still have unopened sets that I never got around to building. Over time, my standards have only risen. I now have an extensive list of criteria that I go through before I even consider…
I don’t know you linked to Adam The Creator’s Facebook page. His Twitter account is easier to navigate and find gems like this:
Rick and Morty took it further.
This movie is for good boys and girls of all ages.
That does not sound healthy to me. They basically put themselves into a reality TV environment. People need boundaries between home, work, friends, co-workers, and romantic relationships. You do not want to mash all of these vectors for stress into a single space 24/7. Broadcasting it all over the internet only makes…
Out of all the fandoms, Harry Potter fans do not mess around with voicing their discontent. Fans successfully fought against Warner Brothers trying to shut down fansites with a worldwide Harry Potter merchandise boycott known as PotterWar.