
I get self conscious about the cleanliness of my room while on Zoom. I hate cleaning and end up with a lot of clutter everywhere. I try to keep filth like dirt and garbage under control. While on Zoom, I arrange things to keep the mess outside of the camera’s field of view.

I never liked Jon Stewart’s respect for Bill O’Reilly as a formidable opponent. It has taken a long time, but Stewart admits this was a huge mistake.

Even though Black Widow is part of the MCU, she is still an assassin.

Everyone knew something was wrong with Mario Batali. Who the hell wears Crocs to work?

They are all just con artists. They believe themselves to be untouchable and think they can squirm their way out of any situation, no matter how dire.

That’s too bad. The trailer for Crazy Delicious seems very lowkey and relaxing. Even Carla seems to tone down her TV persona to vibe with the reserved UK contestants.

The large cast is just there so that he can tie up loose ends.

Moving the goalposts shows you are not interested in understanding why blackface is wrong. You keep looking for exceptions rather than accepting the answers people give you. 

I’m referring to the people that spread the “damned if you do, damned if you don’t” myth. They do not want anyone with regret to apologize because they do not believe blackface is wrong. They further this stance by accusing the left of only seeking punishment and never accepting apologies.

When actors don blackface, they are no longer playing a character. They are playing an entire race and all the baggage that comes with it. It is a big siren telling everyone to pay attention to the change in race.

Look at it this way, there are some things that you will never fully understand unless you were born as that race. Even if used ironically, blackface is still an attempt by white people to claim they understand what it is like being black. It can be condescending or patronizing even if that wasn’t the intention.

His honest and sincere statement is important to all the people that are scared of confronting their past mistakes. Contrary to what the racists want people to believe, there is a path to being forgiven.

Obviously. Everybody hates Chris.

It could be worse:

Many people also understand the difference between fantasy and reality. Some people like to watch rape porn but that doesn’t mean they want the real thing.

That reminds me of how the Barney “I Love You” song (using the melody from This Old Man) was getting the same treatment:

I simply can’t enjoy this show due to the “unsolved” aspect. I need closure dammit!

Now playing

...which won over “You’ve Got a Friend in Me” from Toy Story...

The real premise of the show is that the devil comes to Earth because he’s tired of his job in hell.

I’m surprised that they dipped into the blackface well on multiple occasions.