
Green card doesn’t mean permanent residence, it can be conditional residence that must be renewed yearly. You may get one and an SSN but it may have restrictions like not being able to work. Also, legal residents , permanent or not, do not get any voting rights. If you vote, you are not allowed to apply for

Exactly, usually zero percent is accompanied by lower cash-back incentives, so you are paying ‘interest’ in the form of a higher purchase price.

May be worth noting, the $51 pack listed here is only $30 in store at Costco.

May be worth noting, the $51 pack listed here is only $30 in store at Costco.

I’m proud of you son

Like, the existence of Kim Kardashian.

like if you’re considering internet fame inflation, they’d be on the same level as the Backstreet Boys or NSync, whichever you prefer.

Fuck Carplay, fuck that Google shit, fuck smartphone integration. I have an Android, I don't want my favorite future car to have an Apple infotainment system.

Yes. In fact it happens more with raw honey (The only stuff you should buy), because there are pollen grains that are nucleation points for the crystals to start forming. Always buy local raw honey. Most of the stuff in the store is filtered to the point where it's just honey-ish flavored sugar syrup.

It's because honey is a supersaturated solution. So many sugar molecules are packed together that when something triggers it (moisture, air, any little thing basically) some of the sugar comes out of solution and reorganizes as a crystal. It's just how honey (and all other supersaturated solutions) works.

As far as I know, all honey forms crystals after a while.

Sorry LH if this is a rewite of the many answers you've given previously about coding, but this question always bugs me. I just think that "which language should I pick?" is the wrong question to ask.