“Absolutely” - OK
“Absolutely” - OK
The best D.C. hacks can be found in the Capitol Hill and the remaining in the White House.
Wow an electric fire burning right below my $8000 OLED TV.
Wow an electric fire burning right below my $8000 OLED TV.
Still looking for a powerful cordless vacuum for stair carpet, car etc. Dyson disappoint. :(
Still looking for a powerful cordless vacuum for stair carpet, car etc. Dyson disappoint. :(
This comes to mind.
Can we can pretty much assume that any young man in the vicinity of Kevin Spacey was pretty much groped, harassed, screwed etc?
Wait for Amazon to start selling cars. This problem will be solved. Signup for Amazon keys and a driver will deliver the car in your garage while you are at work and place the keys on your kitchen counter.
“Call for price” means come unprepared to the dealership so we can screw you sideways.
I have captive marine fish and the cyanide thing is of the past. The number of fish caught for the hobby is negligible compared to the seafood that is caught and wasted. Also more and more popular hobby species are starting to be tank bred as we learn how to do it.
“I now understand from these accounts that my behavior was inappropriate and caused others pain.”
No matter what the subject, Seinfeld has you covered.
The footage is way to clear to be real. LOL.
So when are they suspending Trump from Twitter?
We should make October the “Hollywood creeps closet cleaning” month.
Not even God would protect him from Michelle Obama’s wrath!!!
Democrats -> Dicks gone wild
Who the hell would want to sexually harass Kathy Griffin?
A sizable population in the USA wants its guns.
GoT killed it characters to keep the story line moving. The Kardashians are popping out new ones!
Yeah, they are the Kardashians of the law world.