
That’s just it. I know it’s off topic for this particular article but with regard to student loans and college admissions you nailed the problem. The same people who want student loan forgiveness or free tuition want to also either allow everyone to go regardless of qualification or want to use a standard of

When is the last time you’ve had an open-minded policy conversation with a Republican? Probably never, I’d guess. Republicans have to send their kids to school too. They care very much about whether it’s affordable. I think you would be very surprised how many Republican voters would approve of that plan.

Yet paying off student loans and having universal healthcare is socialism...but those profitable oil companies still need handouts.

Yet paying off student loans and having universal healthcare is socialism...but those profitable oil companies still need handouts.

What about longevity and disposal? Embodied energy covers the entire life cycle, from harvesting raw materials, to eventual disposal.

Bill and Don Whittington, owners of Road Atlanta for most of the 1980s were involved with the whole IMSA drug smuggling thing. They made rather clever use of Road Atlanta for laundering money and drug trafficking. The back stretch made a nice runway for late night international plane flights. Plus, anytime the track

The only reason you plebes don’t know about Rich Energy is because it was only available for purchase on the darkweb with Dogecoins.

A British energy drink founded in Croatia made in Austria recently released in US and UK which can’t really be purchased with, questionable financing, leadership, and history backing an American F1 Team run by an Italian with cars driven by French/Swiss and Danish drivers.

And all the plastic parts in said Teslas...

See my response just above to @DDToTX

Honestly, I have no sympathy for those people.

I hear you. There’s a lot of that going on now, especially here in Tx. My house I purchased in ‘15 has literally doubled in value as of today. I’m on the fence about selling but I wouldn’t buy another house at the moment, I could live in a rental until the next crash and buy something better on the cheap.

That finger-pointing and lack of accountability for one’s own actions is how we get to this point.

The intense heat and sun destroyed them so now he has to sell it to pay child support.


What Tesla and any other EV makers are seeing is that there’s not much natural demand for EV’s yet beyond the early adopters and evangelists. The range is there for most people but the price premium for an EV over ICE car likely makes it a hard sell. Poor resale value doesn’t help.

I mean, the Patriots suck, but...

I don’t see it so much as “obsession” as a recognition of basic mathematics.