He was traded to Miami for a bunch of Cubans and an extra large vat of Icy Hot
He was traded to Miami for a bunch of Cubans and an extra large vat of Icy Hot
What are your thoughts on the alleged craptitude of the Padres Camo Unis?
unfortunately, yes. And she is only two...
And how my daughter knows all the lyrics to "My Dick." Methinks I am so going to regret this later...
This, this a thosand times this. When we had to replace our Maxima after a rear end collision I insisited on the CTS Wagon even though the wife wanted a SUV. Now she loves it. All Wheel Drive and it corners like it on rails. Just couldn't justify the V though...
This, this, a thousand times this. When we had to replace a '05 Maxima after a rear end accident, the Mrs. Wasteland wanted a SUV (no suprise there). I insisted on the CTS Wagon. Now she loves it. It has the All Wheel Drive and it corners like it is on rails. Couldn't justify the V though...
Yes. They sell beer, but it is the foulest, skunkiest, most out-of-date on-tap Bud Light in existence. I believe that all the expired beer at the local distributor gets shipped to the Cheese since some beer is better than no beer.
I have the 2010 CTS Wagon with the 3.6. I love it. Couldn't quite justify the V since I drive 150 miles a week.
@Sconnifornia: I think we are all missing the most important issue here. How in the hell did your buddy convince you to let him "crash" with you for SIX WEEKS. Get rent from the freeloader.
@FavreFAIL: $40,000? Its a state school. Law school there was only $7K/ yr. I paid less for law school at UNLV than I did for undergrad in So. Cal.
@twoeightnine: Hey, we resemble that remark. Really, who wouldn't like an arena within in stumbling distance of the Hard Rock Casino?
Oakley Sunglasses: $100
Ok, these NP ironic votes are getting ridiculous. Please disable the NP vote button for God's sake. 115 votes? Uh, NO. If this thing breaks the 3% NP barrier I may never, ever, ever, open one of these posts again.
@SAtown-Hero: Former Taco Beller here myself. Much more awesome when you were in high school and you could eat all the chalupas and enchiritos you wanted with no consequences other than a deadly aresenal of ass ammunition for football practice.
11. Deliah or whatever that chick's name is on the soft rock station that goes ALL HOLIDAY MUSIC, ALL THE TIME on November 1st. During the rest of the year I am blissfully ignorant. However, due to the wife's incessant need to listen to Christmas Music for 60 days straight, I sometimes get in the car and turn it on to…
I touched brain on that one.
@Tulos_Mullet: Pete signs EVERY week at one of the sports memorbilia stores at The Forum Shops at Caesars Palace. It is quite pitiful to watch, the line is about 5 people long max and almost every person is a middle-aged hump in a circa 1975 Red's jersey or jacket. Not a throwback, but the original. Stains, holes and…