Vegas En Fuego

I have no idea who Janelle Monáe is

Nice to see Americans don’t have a monopoly on stupid.

I was saying “boo-urns.”

oh holy shit he really does have retinitis pigmentosa

Unless Raisman is a lawyer, accountant or someone like that, it would be a tremendous waste and there would be large aspects of the job she would hate and bluntly not be very good at.

Mmmm in all seriousness... keep your germy asses home if you are sick!

Face masks work OK if you have the flu and want to prevent it from spreading to other people, but they’re probably more or less useless to prevent getting the flu.

Wash your hands, avoid crowds, avoid sick people, get your flu shot, if you have preexisting conditions make sure they’re under control (ex: I have asthma,

The e.e. cummings of porn

yep, I remember, SFO or San Jose? I can’t remember, though I think it was San Jose.

How about we get hundreds of these printed as signs to decorate that bullshit garden?

Oh my goodness! The snakes in my head are really impressed with the creative way he announced he’s a terrible human being. I pity his future wife and daughters. The snakes in my head have also pointed that his mentioning coming home to his girlfriend is an admission he’s living in sin. tsk.

Re: the propaganda poster. Swear to God, if I hear them use the phrase “so-called”one more goddamned time in reference to something that “actually is,” I’m going to kick a baby.

Correct response:

I like how one Twitter user put it: “Courtland Sykes is what happens when you let Jesus take the wheel and he crashes into a truck full of Axe body spray.”


I absolutely loooove “nasty snake-filled heads” on the “hell-bent feminist she-devils”— think Samantha Bee’s site will start selling that on a t-shirt?

Wow, Hazel. I honestly clicked the article while working through a snark combining something about impurity rings and homosexual men, but then you ruined it with compelling writing and astute analysis of the intersections of comodified purity, the tactical playbook of Evangelical culture warriors in action, and the

There are so many things wrong with the “purity” “movement,” but the biggest one was the easiest to predict: teenagers tend not to stick to permanent, life-long decisions. Do you want a 14 year old making big, permanent decisions such as occupation, when to have sex, where to live, who to marry? There’s a reason we

All you need to know about purity rings you can learn from serial adulterer and all around sin-sational guy Donald Trump, and his comically high approval rating with the morally “superior” Talibangelicals.

Imagine caring about someone else’s sex life the way Evangelical Fundies do. Hell, I can’t even be bothered to care that much about my own.