Vegas En Fuego

Am I the only one that thinks Cardi B’s hit song is complete crap? I really don’t get the love.

Well throw in people like me who also use the Child Tax Credit and Mortage Interest write-off, plus pay tuition and student loans, and I’m screwed.

One thing that I don’t think gets enough attention is how much this tax plan will fuck over graduate students

Here’s the extra terrible thing about the GOP tax plan: it’s extremely bad

I understand that most companies have policies that you can be fired for badly representing the company (for example, someone where I work was fired for getting in a bar fight while wearing a company polo shirt). However, unless her shirt has the company logo on it (I can’t read it) no one would have know that she


Tyrese has an “e-wife”, no wonder he can’t stay off the internet.

Yes and no, but mostly no. For reasons.

What Oprah should get her is a Net Jet card so Gayle can live that private jet lifestyle without the ongoing maintenance costs. It’s only practical.

I think the one problem with asking for a private plane for Christmas is that it’s one of those gifts that is going to cost you in the long run. Oprah surely wouldn’t also be paying all the associated costs (pilots, fuel, etc.) each time Gayle wanted to fly somewhere, right?

Justin was like ‘She’s vulnerable. Perfect!’

Why Selena, why???

When Thor crash lands on Sakaar, they missed the perfect opportunity for a Better Off Dead moment...

Ahem. [puts on nerd hat] The first Thor film opens with Odin winning the war with the Frost Giants in 965 AD. Later in the film, it’s shown that he adopted Laufey’s son, Loki, right after this battle, meaning Loki was a baby in 965 AD. According to the flashback also in the first film, Thor and Loki grew up together

Well shit...

Christalmighty. Because of course they did....

I was going to say yes this is bullshit and no, not everybody can afford to do it, but it would be nice to be able to contribute before they were born.

it works in the dark

At obscenely expensive rates, yeah. I was in undergrad 2010-2014 and had the option of buying it. When I was in grad school (at another university), 2014-2017, students were required to carry a certain amount of health insurance, and were required to enroll in the university’s overpriced horseshit if they didn’t