Vegas En Fuego

IMO, wagyu burgers are one of the biggest scams in dining (Only topped by “Kobe” burgers.) Even presuming that you are actually getting 100% wagyu, running it through a meat grinder kills most, if not all, of the ‘wagyu-ness’ of the beef and you’re just overpaying for a nice burger.

Not really relevant but...

Agreed, but it’s a pretty big ask for someone to wade into that break up/make up/first love debacle and to endure the slings and arrows of the Jelena stans.

Not necessarily a “new” discussion but today’s tide marker for how deep the shit we’re in is:

The only customers they bust on to any serious degree are the one’s who participate in their Black Friday “deal” and that’s because they absolutely tell you what’s going on: paying $5 more for their game, paying $6 for the aforementioned bullshit, or - most famously - paying $5 for absolutely nothing (Well nothing

I would swap Google for Bing but I am totally stealing this.

Don’t forget the whole; “wire up the sorority house with hidden cameras so the nerds can whack off to them” bit. In retrospect it is a pretty appalling movie.

It’s such a gimme for attack ads; “Republicans want to cut your Medicare to give tax cuts to corporations”

In other Dirt Bag-related news:

Now playing

It’s pretty stunning how far they’ve progressed in just two years:

Now playing

Then you want an Atlas; except for the fact that they will have the biggest axe to grind when the robot revolution comes:

Meanwhile, on Faux News:

“Fun” facts:

It is quite stunning the alternate universe these people live in

#sponcon. Essentially the modern day equivalent of “so-and-so slept/ate/fucked/whatever here.” Have enough social media visibility, followers, and desperate businesses and you too can get your vacations/dinners/hair care/skin care/etc for free as long as you make glowing and properly tagged/handled social media posts