
“He only attacked the use of swears, which is kind of ridiculous on a site where basically every article, even the serious ones, uses swears”

Unless he just thinks the article sucks and that endless cursing is dumb (sorry to go out on a limb on you here).

“hey listen grandpa, I can sprinkle swears around so much that it drains my credibilty, reduces my argument to that of a 14 year old, and reads like a white-trash diatribe! But golly, I just might call people “old” if they call me on the fact that my article sucks balls!” LOL

The point here is the cursing makes the article more ignorant then it already is, just trying to help you comprend this alittle better.

well, yeah a “grandmother” or people that dig quality writing right?!

I actually have some good friends in Austin, but the thing is they don't pull out guns and shoot strangers, you know, the way you seem to think something like that is totally normal. Did it ever occur to you that these options could be a possibility if someone approaches your car?

Ah, spoken like a true gun-toting p**sy. It's people like you that basically make Texas a state worthy to avoid. Someone could be coming up to your car to ask you a simple question, and you'd shoot him dead!!! Stay classy there pardner!

Boxing, the fabled 'sport' that maybe 9/10's of Gawker readers have zero interest in, but hey any old re-post will do.