
Yeah, it's a bit darker than a lot of their stuff, but it wasn't emo like Atmosphere or that kind of stuff. They can pull of so many styles and not sound hackneyed, which I really appreciate.

I thought Rising Down was amazing and underrated, personally.

I like Kendrick Lamar and hope he has a good, long career, but in my mind he hasn't earned the chops to be in the same category as The Roots. Some day, hopefully, but he's not there yet.

Comparing Wu-Tang and Roots is way off the mark, I think. Wu-Tang is essentially a group of solo artists who from time to time work together. The Roots are a cohesive band. Some guys in Wu have been consistently at the top of their game (Ghostface, for one); some have not (Cappadona?) But I do agree, The Roots are

It's hip-hop for adults, really. And that's fine by me. The genre has and needs diversity like any other genre. It doesn't "blow up" when it drops but it's in constant rotation and gets better with time. And that, to me, is a sign of good hip-hop — that it's not just trendy hype but can actually have some shelf life.

When I let my inner fatty out, I'll get the triple cheese burger from Wendy's but THAT monstrosity up there? That's an angioplasty special.

Cool response, bruh.

I need to apologize to my doctor for just looking at this shit. The sodium is coming through my computer screen....

New York is a great town but, having lived outside of it for more than a decade now, I too grow really tired of the absurd notion that the city exists in a vacuum, as if the whole country is just in aw of its brilliance. People there still wrongly believe that no one else refers to a city as "the city," which is just

Sorostitues, because most of them are sorority girls, right?

If Jezebel was really being all inclusive, there's a whole other subset of "bros." They're called "bruhs" and are typically — wait for it — black guys who listen to hip-hop. And the word "bro" is derivative of brother, which is also common parlance in greater black culture. I know this because I listen to hip hop and

The government reading emails is true, actually, and online privacy is a whole different debate. But everything else you bring up is spot on — Americans have an unmatched sense of paranoia and I find it simultaneously hilarious and exhausting, especially the gun nuts who think they need to be armed for the gubbment

It took me a minute to realize this was sarcasm, which itself is a sad testament to the stupidity out there on this topic. I can absolutely imagine someone saying this with a straight face.

I gather you've only had the big name American beers like Budweiser, Miller, Coorts, etc. Those are all pure shit. The independent breweries, Sam Adams being the largest, are fantastic, especially in the IPA realm. There's been a dramatic increase in independent craft breweries in the US over the past 10 years or so,

And who doesn't like hot dog water???

I did the train ride, was pretty rad.

What's your point?

Just don't call it "San Fran" please .... :)

Totally agree, hell even the new Bay Bridge should be a candidate considering how vital it is to the region. My guess is they view the Golden Gate at too cliche and "mainstream." So we now officially have bridge hipsters. Bridgesters, if you will.

"Well, it means Canadians have another reason to show off their unique blend of smug humility." HA! That's the best description I've read about Canadians. "We're the best at being modest," kind of thing. Anyhow, while I admire you for embarking on this task, all of these beers are shit. If I'm going "light," it's a 32