
All the others have been square, as is the standard for Sanwa (and other Japanese) sticks which are used in these. I don't have hard proof, but I would be shocked if it was anything other than a square gate.

Yes, all of those 85 Unheated floors just fell away. The support columns were damaged so they no longer supported the weight of the floors, particularly because of all the other floors falling on top of them, thus they were pulled down by gravity. I don't see how any laws of physics were broken and neither do the

Richard Gage is not a scientist. He is an Architect who works on more typical buildings like two story homes. He has written on his website in the past that the collapse of the trade center is "outside the scope of our training and experience." He borrows most of his information from people like Steven Jones who is

That last complaint sounds dumb. Marvel is a western creation so when you use it as half of your game it's going to have a western look.

Well this is how you conspiracy theorists work: You come up with your harebrained theory and when someone uses science to disprove it they you call the science bullshit. This is the same thing creationists or "intelligent design" people do to combat evolution which has essentially been proven. So some guy comes and

One one hand this is awesome. On the other it has me jonesing for Miles Edgeworth.

You misunderstand, the DLC character was DLC for the original MVC3. They will be included from the get go in Ultimate. This trailer was just acknowledging that the advertised character is not a new one, and you won't have to buy her as DLC.

Also does Drake seem like the kind of guy who would gun down thousands of people in the name of discovering lost treasure? Or on the flip side, how did the villains find thousands of people willing to risk their lives to protect them and their motives?

So the Hollywood Blockbuster thing is what these games have going for them. If you break the games down and look just at their gameplay mechanics there is nothing especially impressive or innovative about them. It's basically cover based third person shooting a la Gears of War, interspersed with Prince of Persia

I think a lot of those don't meet the qualifications for "complete shit"

Others have already made more thorough explanations than I care to get into such as [] or

The wound did did have an effect on the entire tower because the steel beams running vertically up the length of the building were unstable because it only takes one damaged point for them to bend outward and not to provide adequate support for the floors. Not having support from the beams made all the floors fall on

I think the challenge shouldn't come directly from combat, but rather they should encourage you to avoid combat. This means though that combat should not merely be difficult, but that a battle with more than a few guards should be an ineffective means to complete your mission. I don't think the first game is overall

Yes, there was a bunch of hype about how great the last one is, but I tried it and it's the same boring ass gameplay except you can play as Michael Jordan. There were people calling it game of the year basically because of a playable character. If you don't have a hard on for famous athletes these games have nothing

I don't think there's any other way to describe that than awesome

Again you've posted a video of a different building falling with a different design that has nothing to do with how the twin towers would fall. You've mentioned a scientific concept in a completely vague context and expect me to understand why it should convince me that the twin towers were brought down by controlled

Yes, but I have no idea what your question of the video have to do with 9/11 conspiracy theories.

What is that video supposed to prove? A different building with a different design made out of different materials with different structural damage didn't fall down the same way.

Well we are drowning in a sea of FPS releases, regardless of how of how well they sell of how many of them still have a huge multiplayer following. I also think in terms of single player more than multiplayer and in therms of single player FPS Bioshock is at the top of the list.

I understand but I would still disagree. PoP and AC both involve a style of platforming that is similar in a lot of ways but has very different mechanics in other ways. Uncharted's platforming mechanics are much more derived from PoP that AC. AC is also an open world series, whereas both PoP and Uncharted are very