
Something I'm confused about: Doesn't the Games for Windows Live service do what everyone is suggesting EA is now doing? Requiring people to use that service for tile updates and DLC? Yet no Games for Windows Live have been taken down. Or is there something I'm missing?

Portal 1 definitely does not. The environments are simple by design and don't use a lot of fancy effects or anything and ran fine on the budget graphics card my PC came with. I haven't tried Portal 2 on the PC yet but it is more fancy graphically but still is probably not very high end as it is still using the same

Halo 1 has better enemy AI than the latest COD games, and the other generic shooters out now.

So when I went back and played through it again recently it seemed to me like the assault rifle is one of the weakest weapons in the game. Except for killing flood spores.

Well it's true weather or not you like the generation of shooters it launched.

I'm not against regenerating health absolutely but I'm against it being the standard. It works great in Halo which also has the logical explanation for it within its fiction of energy shields. I think it has no place in a supposedly "realistic" shooter. Especially in games like Call of Duty where your strategy is

Yeah, the physics are totally not realistic.

Buying any game at launch and barely playing it is a mistake. All games get price drops weather they get new versions or not.

Pshh. That's the addition I like best. I wish they'd put in Miles Edgeworth too.

All my friends just use their console's to watch Netflix.

If they made an Assassin's Creed game set in Japan that could do the trick.

There's Blockbuster's rent by mail service, which is providing a better selection of Blu-ray's these days.

Bioshock 2 wasn't made by Irrational so Infinite is the original developer's first follow up. And the people writing this have played the game at E3 and they're impressed so far even though the game isn't out yet.

You'll probably get a trophy this time around.

I don't think it will be a problem. I remember effects that were intentional such as the screen shaking whenever something massive struck the ground that would still be in a re-release.

I do love shadow of the colossus, but it did have pretty bad camera controls.

If the above is true wouldn't that make all games for windows live against Steam's rules?

Yeah this bill would have given the regulation of violent games over to the government instead of letting them use the ESRB to regulate it. This would have put games in a place occupied pretty much only by pornography as other forms of media such as movies, music, books etc. do not have government regulations. They

I don't have a third leg, I have a second and third penis.

Yeah, your character's gunshot holes would just heal in a few seconds.