
Damn you Whedon. Dollhouse did not deserve to live when it was a straight choice between both shows by the network.

It's a good name, but it isn't even the best name in all of Mad Maxdom.

Now playing

And both also worked on Jodorowsky's attempt to adapt Dune, as did Giger. It's kind of amazing just how much circles back to that unmade movie. I highly recommend the documentary if you haven't seen it.

Before I start, let me say I was a server for a decade, and I have nothing but the utmost respect for all service employees. But this story has become legendary in my family, so: Mr. Tigger and I moved for his job from the East Bay Area in CA to Austin, Texas. On our first date night after moving, we went out to

You know, I think dragons are awesome. So I'm going to have my kid get a dragon tattoo when they're born.

The comments here make me sick. Im sick about the ignorance of humans. I am an uncircumcised man with a beautiful penis, as it should be. I am also sexually active and Disease free. Condoms work wonders. My sons are also uncircumcised by my diligence to ensure they were not sexually mutilated. Viruses are smaller than

Awesome. This reminds me of years ago there was an article on io9 where someone had put together a set of floor plans for the TARDIS. I saved a few pages:

The question is not who will paint it, but rather who painted it.

Oh, shit — this is where I feel compelled to say I had many many issues with Elysium and can't fault Blomkamp's self-critique but damn... it wasn't that bad.
