
This looks to me like a case of pedal misapplication.


Plastic is a resource, a way of storing chemical energy. The reason very few life forms have the ability to process it is because it is a new and novel way to store said energy. However, within a relatively short period of time a life will evolve that will make use of that resource, like the bacteria we are discussing

Long before plastic, we built our civilization out of wood, which is food for a great many things in nature. This was often, inconvenient but for the most part has not caused a complete collapse of civilization.

Just as an educated guess, it should be some relatively short organic molecules. So methanes, butanes, propanes, and various alcohols are likely candidates.

Oh good god, this still isnt dead? The amprage that hurts you is how much current flows thru you, not how much current flows thru the conductors.

Because while the concept of Posse Comitatus Act have served us well since roman times, latin is a funny language and todays world is all kinds of different, and we shouldn’t pay attention to it anymore.

Because 9 explained out of 20 sounds a great deal better than 7 explained out of 18. One is close to half, while the other is closer to a third.

Which is extra odd, because I can’t see the Koch brothers supporting Trump either.

I wanted to write a rather dark star trek story using this idea to explain the federation.
Basically, everyone dies, every single day. Except they all know it. Deep down inside, everyone we see knows that this is the only day of their life, and that all their loved ones aren’t actually their loved ones. Yet they go

Alas, I have but one star to give.

Everyone should get a chance to argue anything, no matter what it is. So yes, in your example they should have a chance to argue they didn’t really mean to shoot people, or that they weren’t in the store, or that they can’t be held responsible for any of it because their dog told them to do it. That’s what we have

Perfect! Perhaps could use rain, lightning, poisonous spiders and homicidal sloths with chainsaws. You know, just to be on the safe side.

Can you shop in a bitching flame paintjob?

Wouldn’t those wings generate enormous drag at speed? Would that really be efficient?

Pot-ayto Potahto. I understand the logic being felony murder rules. I still think it’s a terrible idea. No worries, I’m unlikely to sit on the supreme court, so my opinion doesn’t count for much.

I doubt this case would have been different if he was merely going 30 over the speed limit rather than racing.

Felony murder means that they have to prove that he intended to commit a felony (racing), which should be pretty easy.

I think it’s yet another weird case of felony murder. Racing was the felony, people died because of his felony, therefor = murder.

I think you might be misreading that report, (or alternatively I am). His oil viscosity is within spec. Its showing signs of breakdown, but it’s still serviceable.