

At the very least it’s better than the biometrically keyed weapons idea.

The reason large tube tvs were so expansive is that its very difficult to make large vacuum tubes, which meant that yield was very poor. Incidentally, the first lcd tvs were very expansive for the very same reason.

What’s the point? In a mobile device, maybe the extra thinnes adds to comfort level (I think we’ve long reached the point of diminishing returns there,but opinions can differ). But what is to be gained by having a wall mounted TV that is 1/8” thick versus one that is 1/2” or even 1” thick? What are you gaining, half

No multimeter? You need a multi meter way more than you need tweezers.

Also, does anyone really wear the same pair of pants 3 days a week? Drop that to 1 day a week, and suddenly the cheap clothes start to look much better (assuming the same lifespan)

It translates just fine, but calling me an idiot in latin doesn’t make your argument stronger. Nor is being a snob about “proper units”. Every scale is arbitrary, not just temperature, and it doesn’t matter which system it’s based around. Whether it’s based around the boiling and freezing point of some arbitrary

That retort was entirely too smart for me. I have no idea what you are saying.

And this is an article aimed primarily at US population, so F makes sense. It’s not like there is a superior, accurate scale and an inferior dumb one. They are all completely arbitrary, and conversions are pretty easy. If you want to know what the desired quantity is in units that make the most sense to you, google

The BoS reason for existence is to be in charge of the biggest guns. If they can have this “technology”, then its important to preserve it. If they can’t, it must be destroyed.

At this point, I just want to join the raiders. Or find the super gunner commander and make them all follow me.

I don’t think I do. You seem to be complaining that the temperatures are in F instead of a scale you prefer.

Is converting units just too hard?

I don’t want my food to come with little burned pieces of food I made 2 years ago. I know the heat kills all living things, but the bacteria souls remain, and haunt mine. If you aren’t bothered, more power to you. I refuse to use cast iron mostly for that reason (also its heavy and unwieldy)

If you find the activity enjoyable, feel free to swing by and wash ours. I promise to cook something tasty.

It’s a trap guys, don’t do it.

I want to agree with you, but people like myself said the same thing about tablets, and turned out to be very wrong.

Yeah, that was pretty weak. It wouldn’t have taken much to make those into real settlements. I can guess at some of the reasoning by using covenant as an example. I ran into covenant late in the game, while doing a bunch of missions for the railroad. So it seemed like a rather evil place with a rather evil purpose.

I’m confused as to how consoles fit into all this. It seems that any of the previous, RPG heavy fallout games could have run on a console, and been played on one just fine.

Please. We buy products. We pay money for them, that in turn goes to support their production and the development of future products. So we’ve made an “investment in production” which by your strange logic gives us “a right to judge”.