
Funny story. For various scientific purposes, they make a 90V battery, of which we keep a few. At one point, some dumbass got curious, since he never heard of a 90V battery. He decided it had to be a typo, and of course checked his theory by touching it to his tongue. He lived, but said it felt like getting hit in the

So lots of people objecting my not mentioning current (which I sort of did) but let me elaborate. Current is voltage divided by resistance. The resistance is determined by your body, which path the current takes thru it, and how resistive you happen to be on that particular day.

Generally yes, but gasoline will kill you slower. You have some time to react. Maybe not enough to save yourself, but you stand a chance. High voltage kills you almost instantly, and paralyzes your muscles while it does so. Once you’re shocked, you’re done for.

An idiots guide to voltages might be helpful. All these assumes a power supply capable of delivering continuous current, not some sort of scientificy sensor supplies.

Does the phone have rocket assisted rocket modules? If not, I really don’t see how its relevant.

I believe it also needs and extra set of landing gear, 16 carbon fiber beams, 3 perfectly round spheres arranged in a deltoid configuration, 13 organic honey dew melons, and a infinite number of pinguins with sunny desposition.

Torch would be moving the engines to the middle of the airframe for better space utilization.

It’s an idea so blatantly ridiculous that I can only assume airbus engineers are trolling the patent office.

Thats brilliant! We’ll equip each passenger with a small personal jetpack module, and strap them directly to the wings. This way each passenger may disembark upon reaching the destination of their choice, to be obediently followed by their rocket powered luggage.

I can’t watch that without singing “america, fuck yeah!”

That sounds sensible, but lacking in flair.

Here at doubledollar consulting, we are all about pleasing our customers. So we’ll modify the proposal to replace the parachutes on the arriving modules with retro rocket braking systems.

That’s good, but needs a second module, underneath the plane, for cargo.

If you want to bring exhaust pressure up, its easier to jump the air into the exhaust.

Because in order to combat lag by pushing compressed air into the intake manifold, you’d need a really large air tank. Say your engine is a 3 liter, running at 1500 rpm. That means, at wide open throttle and no intake losses, its breathing in 3 liters of air 750 times a minute. Or 37 liters per second.

There are many good reasons to take action, but that should not be one of them.

No, but I’d forget to.

It seems pretty brilliant, I just have one concern. After a few years of sun, rain and exposure to god knows what, when you find yourself with a hole in your space suit, is the tape going to still be good?

Except that by large this isn’t a technological problem, its a demographic one.

The kidnapper is an ex cop, and the child’s father.