
But, why? Seeds are cheap! Just drop them by the millions from altitude.

The question is, can it do it again?

I have no idea what caused this, but it isn’t a high side. A highside happens when the bike oversteers and begins to rotate around the front wheel (sliding the rear), then the rear wheel suddenly regains traction, and angular momentum causes the bike to tilt suddenly.

The rear tire was sliding. Whatever happened there, it wasn’t cause by too little rear brake.

Lifehacker seems to ignore a rather logical reason for brand loyalty: Solving informational asymmetry.

Bikes limit your range because you need to eat. Seriously, I’m in pretty good shape, so I can ride 100 miles in a day. On a superlight bike, carrying only water and a few small snacks. I wont be able to do that several days in a row, and the range will drop quickly if I have to switch to a mountain bike, and carry

No idea with regards to the X’s handles, but it does have those doors that look some prone to breaking (could be wrong). Let’s wait and see on the 3. To me, that would be the most impressive of tesla’s accomplishments.

Bikes are better than walking, but for most situation I’d pick a horse. You can carry more luggage on a horse, and most importantly, you can fight from horseback. A bicycle makes you virtually defenceless, unless you can outrun your opponents.

Batteries should be the easier problem to deal with. The acid is nasty, but it wont literally melt your hands.

That will be fun for a little while, until the various unneccesary gizmos start to break. How long before the dust kills the power electronics, or at least jams up the fancy door handles?

Clearly the best strategy for the near term is either steal cars from other wastelanders, or just use all vehicles left over by the departed. There is no reason to maintain, unless you manage to get a vehicle that is much better than everything else that available (an MRAP perhaps?)

It very cool, but will they still work in 10 years time?

It’s long been the case that one would have to be a fool to enter the car business, but it appears that soon one would have to be a fool to refrain from exiting.

A little help from anyone with the time:

Strangely enough, the original taken has most of those sins, and yet manages to be awesome.

Superhero movies in general. I can suspend my disbelief long enough for the hero go get hit by a space ray from outer space and get super space strong, but it all falls apart when, soon after realizing how awesomely space strong he is, the first thought is always “Now I just need some really bright tights”.

Thats a good point. We need more boat reviews on Jalopnik.

If my reading is correct there seems to be a trade off between coverage and outright speed, with the US going toward the coverage side. Question is, why is it a trade off?

Why do those windows open? Is it so you can get a burger and fries?

When I was buying a car, I noticed that the dealer talked on and extended warranty for a few grand from some third company. I figured it was mostly profit for him, and did not mention it at all during our negotiations. I pushed him on price as low as I could, then pushed him on trade in value as high as I could. When