
Private prisons pour drugs on the street? How does that work?

There is a joke about an engineer and a physicist going to hell. The devil offers them a very appealing mate, for the rest of eternity, if they are willing to follow one rule. Whenever the devil says go, each must run exactly half the distance to their goal. The physicist just shakes his head, while the engineer takes

Perhaps it should be <under current conditions> instead of @rpm. current conditions will include throttle position, engine rpm, how clean the air filter is, etc.

Reliability, and repair-ability. Offroading is really tough on a vehicle, things break all the time. Electric motors should be pretty reliable, given their low part count, but power electronics are a different story. They don’t like shock or high temperature, which is exactly what offroading brings.

“horsepower = torque*RPM/5252”

I’m not so sure that the number of possible combinations will always go up with number of nodes in a pattern, given that nodes must be adjecent. For example, if you want to use all nine nodes, there are only a handful of possible ways to do so.

How well does the engine handle ingesting cherios and poptarts?

Let’s no declare this car the winner in reliability yet. Sure electric motors are simpler than IC engines, but there are still plenty of conventional mechanical bits in the car (suspension, differential) and the power electronics are in a somewhat new category. In addition, there are half a million cool, but largely

True, the new mark is 10yr, 100k. Unless you are buying a BMW. It will likely need $15k worth of work by the time it hits 80k miles.

So that you can park it with ease.

Why drive them by rollers instead of driving the axle directly? Is it because they don’t have the torsional rigidity?

no tire marks, but you would still burn your “tires”. only instead of burning them all around, you would burn only a single spot.

Being run over by a car is also not as deadly as you would expect at first glance. The actual running over part that is. The get hit by, is what usually kills pedestrians.

Without damage might be a bit much. Some light damage is inevitable, even if you just run a hot air balloon into a house. Still this sounds like a very interesting fella.

This 4runner is so much better than the F150.

No brake adjustment is going to change the weight transfer to the front while you are slowing down.

If you are carrying any speed, 90% of the bikes total braking power is provided by the front brake. You stand more to gain from modulating the front brake correctly than from splitting your attention between two brakes.

1. They don’t need to be economically viable at creating power, they just need to be economically viable at disposing of waste.

Even if there is no plan of anykind, a few highly radioactive caves seem preferable to runaway climate change.

“тайна машины” would translate to “the machine’s secret” like if the van was actually of soviet manufacture and really did not want anyone to find out that emberassing detail.