
I don’t know what their plan for dealing with radioactive waste is, but I suggest burning it in breeder reactors.

The generator and related bracketry seems just about useless to me.

In what way?

Yey! Tough safety standards are good, nuclear power under tough safety standards is good, everyone wins!

“My single experience disproves your general rule based on a larger data set.”

I think the DMRO would make a great deal of noise, fail to move a single inch, and then proceed to make fun of its owners for being late to work. It may well prove to completely useless, but somewhat funny.

This is almost complete nonsense. You can stop a bicycle with just the front brake without much drama. I’ve done this countless times on both mountain and roadbikes. The key is to brace yourself so your body doesnt try to fly off the bike as the bike decelerates. It’s not a hard skill to learn. At all.

Others may feel otherwise, but I wouldn’t want the extra weight of the motor/generator, rechargable battery and the bracketry needed to hold everything in place. I would guess the above unit can go a rather long time on a single battery.

Forget disk brakes, what happens if I only use the front brake to stop?

It’s only true if you enjoy the exclusive status. I like hamburgers, and the fact that that millions other people do to does not make my hamburger any less delicious.

Lol, that was what I was hinting at. Fisker tried really hard to shoe horn themselves into that game, but with their concentration on marketing neglected the design.

Ah, but persons belonging to an exclusive club will not be caught dead near any place I typically frequent. Ironically, this puts me in club so exclusive that they are not permitted to join.

I have an alternative explanation:

Its a product for controlling parents/spouces of cyclists.

Right, well there you go, even better.

Alright, I’m going to borrow the torch hat and come up with the ultimate car show vehicle.

Reminds me of the “comfort access” option on bmw’s. It allows you to unlock your doors, by touching the handle in a very specific way while your keyfob was in your pocket. There was another complicated touch you could use to lock your door. It was basically a less stupid version of the mclaren door system (less stupid

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Jason, this is completely unrelated, but have you seen this?

I love the wooden gears guy, and his attempts to keep things simple.

The idea of more secure computer systems thru legislation might well become the best new automotive joke of the decade.