
Say what you want about the robber barons of the past, but at least Carnegie paid for the libraries he built.

And how is that different than any other country in the world?

Time to move the race to the third world, where public officials are more receptive to “contributions”. I’m sure Saudi Arabia would love to host it.

Get out of the middle of a large room. If you manage to come to rest in the middle of a large volume too far away to reach any walls (or floors and ceiling) what are you going to do to propel yourself to a handhold?

He may well had it coming, but wasn’t this something the other 10+ officers could have handled, or does every foul mouthed redneck require special weapons and tactics, with the boys in blue slowly turning into glorified meter maids?

After reading about a extremely slow chase which wasn’t endangering anyone, I tune it to see a full swat team doing their thing.

A friend of mine was testing for his MC license. I don’t know how this works in other states, but in Texas, you either go thru a certified class (the best way to do it), of you have to bring a registered, inspected, insured bike, the applicant, a registered, inspected, insured chase vehicle, and a licensed driver for

This way the next poorly designed ignition switch will not only disable the safety systems, but steering as well!

Lets add lack of adjustability and longevity to the list of issues. Oh, I don’t know if longevity is an issue, but with those flex ribs being attacked by every chemical found on the road bed, and UV from the sun, I’m guessing we’ll find out soon enough.

It’s not supposed to fool anyone. It’s supposed to give them a giant finger instead.

So one set of a-holes were going to settle their differences with another set of a-holes via a water gun fight. That is about as good of an outcome as one can expect. Of course, the police had to get involved and escalate everything.

I’m glad to see that the engineers responsible for the F355 went on to have prosperous careers at BMW designing the 335i.

Obstacle avoidance gets much harder when the ground is uneven. Go over the ditch or around? If you go over, straight, or at an angle? Which angle? What if there is a body of water, or unstable ground? Tracked vehicles have an advantage, but they are still vulnerable to rolling over.

I’m not sure that I agree with the less technologically challenging part. Controlling an aircraft (outside of takeoff and landing, and absent extreme maneuvers) should be considerably easier than controlling a ground vehicle, because there are few objects to avoid in the air.

I think “reducing combustion pressure” would have been even better.

About a year ago I went up pikes peak in an FJ. There was a surprising amount of vehicles that did handle that ascend, and descend well. Pickups were among them. There were enough failures or near failures to try some kind of statistics, and it seemed that cars had a harder time going up, trucks had a harder time

I was by no means miffed, but its always better to get the terminology correct rather than not.

I wonder how it deals with heat management. This is an often overlooked part of going to high altitude. The engine is having to work hard because there are often hills to climb. On the other hand, the air is thinner, so it cannot carry as much heat away from the radiator.

“Less dense air delivers less oxygen to the combustion chamber, reducing a naturally aspirated engine’s compression ratio.”

The amount of skills, people, money, and effort in the world is finite. The more we apply to less effective applications, the less there is left over for more effective ones.