
Koenigsegg managed to overcome that problem.

There is a reason why power plants don't use therm-piezoelectric materials to convert their heat source to electric power, and that is that its very inefficient.

Oh god, not that weird show.

When I was buying my last vehicle, the financing lady was trying extremely hard to sell me Gap insurance. I was confused since I was borrowing well under 2/3's of the purchase price, and so it was unlikely in the extreme that I was going to end up upside down. When I pointed that out, she offered to "remedy" this

My boss certainly believes that engineers are wizards, and if they aren't able to convert crap into gold, they should at least be able to convert crap into something that can be traded for gold.

I think the important question left un answered is whether that COPTCHA is antibiotic and gluten free.

I think thats a way for the manufacturer to CYA. Synthetic oil should last longer, but they don't feel like paying a bucket to test it, so they make the interval the same, and protect their warranty claims.

Depends on how hard you run them, what temperature they experience, how strung out the engines are, how often you change your oil, and how long you expect your engine to last.

You'd have to ask a chemical engineer that, which is easy enough, and be able to understand the answer, which is something I've never managed to accomplish, despite being a caliper carrying engineer myself.

But don't use a moly additive oil in a motorcycle with a wet clutch.

There isn't an automotive forum in the verse that doesn't have a long and drawn out argument on this subject. Most people agree that it is important that you do, in fact use some oil.

Surely that every 50, or even 500? Additional air fields are nice in the even of an emergency, but 1 every 5 miles seems to be overdoing it.

Makes me wonder, if the "proper" (in this case, the term means "likely to get one into the least amount of trouble with the law") move is to skip the abandoning all together, and just start chugging booze on the side of the road (Assuming there is a bottle in the trunk).

Re: Synthetic Oils. Apprently, most of them aren't.

Abandoning the scene of an accident is only a big deal if there is a death or serious injury. I'm assuming this was a single vehicle accident, and the driver is fine, so it's just a $500 ticket.

Well I finally have Michaels permission to stop worrying about a car with ugly headlights. Good riddance.

I'm having a hard time believing that the weight of the deleted bed is 2200lbs, even if you do count the deleted seats as well. So if the payload capacity increases that much (and that isn't a typo) something else must be responsible. Stiffer springs perhaps?

I have no particular love for Pontiac, but it sure had a better claim to life than GMC.

Why not?

I suppose there might be a difference between automotive and mechanical terminology, but in the industrial world a gear box is not presumed to have more than one ratio, and most don't.